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What I would give to meet Kazmaier.
some guy at gym in change room..

guy in change room -howdy ceffo im quite happy ive been consistently going to the gym for the last 16 days straight..
ceffo - Thats great keep it up dude. Its a positive!!
guy in change room - how about yourself been going long
ceffo - Oh just on and off 16 years or so
guy in change room - Oh right..
(awkward silence)

I have similar conversations with friends (always girls). Over Xmas when I was going down to visit Markos a few times a week a friend said she'd been really good with exercising - she had done the 1000 stairs (Victorians will know this) once in over a fortnight and that was it. She felt guilty when I told her I'd been doing 20 rep squats then complexes the next day
I'm slowly changing her attitude though so it's all good

He'll give up now he's found out that even after 16 years you still need to go to the gym...
I find myself training more consistently during winter because even with insulation it gets a bit warm in the shed on a 38C day, especially after standing in a paddock in the middle of nowhere all day.
Gym etiquette? I thought I may as well ask here as it realtes to what happened at the gym. My workout as part of SS involves squatting, then O'head press, then Bent rows - all with an oly bar on one of the 2 squat/power racks (with safety bars) at my gym.

I finished squatting and one of the bigger, regular guys came up and asked if Id be long, and I said another 20 mins. He asked if he could work in with me, so I said sure, but then it got awkward as he's trying to stack plates on another bar (on the rack) so he could squat while I'm trying to OHP and using the safety bars...

I felt bad that I'd already been on the rack for 15 mins squatting so after I did my OHP I went and did my bent rows using an oly bar at one of the bench stations.

How are you meant to work in like that? Was I being a hog? Should I have done my OHP at one of the bench stations too? Did I do the right thing?

I know Im pretty clueless but...?

I only work in if they are going to be quick, doing same exercise and ask nicely.

Similar problem at my gym, only 1 squat rack and 1 cage, I spend a solid 45 minutes in whichever one is free doing my workout, hog or not, there isn't much option,
It sucks how these commercial bunny gyms dont have enough squat/power racks and some dont even have olympic bars!

We used to train at a local gym and it has one squat rack. Lucky the bunnies in the gym dont really use it so we got it most of the time. 4 of us in there rotating we used it for at least an hour.

Occasionally idiots would go in there and do stupid shit... curling for example. lol I mean for fuck sake et our of my squat rack and do your fkn bicep curls somewhere else you spastic! lol

This is why we made our own gym at home. We have a power rack, 3 olympic bars (2 pendlay nexgens), bumper plates, normal plates and a nice sexy 64kg kettlebell we call "The Judge"

.... ok Ive gone back and read a fair few of the earlier pages in this thread. lol

I havent laughed that hard in awhile... hahahahah thank you all for the afternoon comedy.

The gym at school (which I used for the last time tonight thankfully) only has one rack and it's the most accessible spot to the mirrors so you can imagine what happens there with the bro curlers. Luckily I think they're all fearful of the fact that I actually squat lol

Anyway, Monday I did bulgarian split squats with 40kg BB then some dude was doing 1/4 squats with the same bar. His mates did give him shit though
Tonight the same dude, while someone was using the incline bench, decided to use it as support to do bent over bicep curls (initially I thought he was doing single arm bent over reverse flies but no, curls). The guy racked the bar then curly mc curl curl got up and hit his back on the bar. Dumbass

I also got into an argument with my teacher after I said I could deadlift more in barefeet than wearing my runners because of both ROM and also losing energy due to the softer nature of my x trainers. Then he asked me why Olympic lifters wear shoes then didn't believe me when I said it improves their leverages, and that the bottom is made out of wood or hard plastic anyway so the full force is applied to the floor without being lost
No wonder we have so many dumbass PTs
There was a big group of female athletes stretching just outside of our training room tonight. A few guys and myself walked out there to warm up and get our T-level up before the deadlift. I love training here!
lol lift 10-15% more than normal?

people think im taking the piss here.. but man when you got a hot chick staring at u deadlift/squat.. i reckon ive gotten a 20% boost in the past no joke..

I think its the fact u dont focus on he lift as much and adrenalin (or whatever )kicks in..
I was only doing relatively light DL tonight (145 for 3x6) but it felt like a 100kg warmup in the first set straight after getting psyched up by the athlete chicks. Perfect technique too, with a really strong & good "hip thru". When you have a visualisation of a hottie bending over stretching fresh in your mind, you'd have a damn good natural hip drive, I say.

Amen to that brother!!
Hmmm...off to the gym this soon, wonder if there will be any of the big boys with awesome wide sexy shoulders and backs to get my split squats going???? hope so.
haha, you are a bunch of perves, lol : )