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^^^ When i first started squatting (about 12 months ago) i used a pussy pad... for a couple of weeks.

Just to toughen the area up and get it use to the bar
There's fairly swole fellow (can't see the legs though, he wears trackies) squatting with the pad on smith machine for 25 KG each side in my gym. Kunce bences 120 - 130 for reps, enough said
i think the pad is useful for changing the feel of a squat.u can put the bar right on top of the traps then.its a variation and gives your elbows a rest from low bar.
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When I squat light, the bar sits on my neck a bit because my shoulders aren't flexible enough to let it down. Once I get the weight up a bit it's enough to force the bar down and back.
I used to hate not having a pad until I realized that all I needed to do was go heavier.
I didn't use the pad last night, now I've got torn up skin on my traps from the knurling. That's the last time I listen to the internet lol.
It's just my standard shitty rags I wear to the gym everyday lol. The air con sucks/has been turned off since new management, so I wear singlets to stay cool.
This is why bitch pads/gloves/respirators shouldn't be used by default at the gym.. In fact gym managers should put them away and only hand them out upon request. Sure the traps get a bit butthurt the first time the knurling kisses them, but after a a few more tries the pain goes away. I'm sure the delts (or clavicles if you slip lol) aren't too pleased after doing front squats the first time either. So put a bitch pad all the way around the neck before front squats/cleans then? lmao..

Next, we'll have people showing up at the gym with bitch pads all around their neck, bike gloves on their hands, and respirators on just to do DB curls at the rack. Not happened yet at my gym but judging by the state of things it's only a matter of time folks!