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brendon why the fuck are you training at club faggot?

you go to the belco one?
when i get my wraps i was thinking of doing a training session with johnny so he can show me this sub x wrapping thing, you should come so we can monopolize all the racks
brendon why the fuck are you training at club faggot?

you go to the belco one?
when i get my wraps i was thinking of doing a training session with johnny so he can show me this sub x wrapping thing, you should come so we can monopolize all the racks

haha...its the one at tuggeranong, theres two younger guys ive been showing them how to lift, teaching, squats, deadlifts, and the rest of it, they both members there and its easier to just go there to show them, and do workout hwilst there... Powersports all the way for me.
yeah for sure when you do a session with jonnie ill come up. or can all come to powersports, or go to elite. one or the other
How much can those little curl bars (10kg) hold anyway. Ive seen people curl in squat rack with 60kg+.
Saw a guy (obviously on juice) but he did Seated Calf Raises on 130kg. i thought that was quite interesting. he can calf raise more than i can deadlift.
Not something I saw at the gym, but a conversation someone had with my on FB.

Him "cool...... i thought i was wrong once but i was mistaken....
all good bro..... maybe we will cross path one day.... then ill show ya how real men lift weights....lol
peace outn bro"

Me "How do real men lift weights, now I'm intrigued lol."

Him "aaarrrr cant tell you all my secrets bro..... but lets just say they dont call me Gunny McGunningson for nothing..... ROFL"

Me "So you think your biceps make you strong? interesting. hehe"
I've seen it before and I don't know why..

Why do people do Curls in the Safety Cage or Squat Rack.. and rest the weights on the ground.. ?
Like Paullie's story this is something I didn't see, but conversation with someone over FB.

Him: "squats and deadlifts and shit are shit you will get stronger from those silly powerlifting exercises but not ripped or any definition to your muscles"

Me: "Acuatlly you will, to get ripped you need a few things. 1 a low fat/caj diet. 2 very low fat. 3 big muscles. Doing curls wont get your big muscles or burn shit all energy/fat.

BTW Who said I wanted to get ripped?"

Him: "not be but your muscles get big in a different way if you do like dunbell curls hammer curls and all that just saying lol"
You should be more selective when choosing friends, even on facebook. I've told my mrs she needs to do the same as well but apparently "Your friends are dickheads" isn't the correct way of doing it.

I had a conversation on FB today and the guy said he's keen to come round and lift, and give my new prowler sled a run when it gets here. I might finally have a training partner, yay.

He's also keen to buy some bumper plates so he can get back into doing oly lifts.
Its a sad reality we live in though, i really dont understand where these people learn to train the way they do, must be some magazines or websites i dont read...

In my local commercial gym there is only about 2-3 people that actually squat apart from the crew i train with and even then they dont go even parallel let alone deep, and i am still yet to see one person do standing military presses.... i get some strange looks from other lifters when im doing SLDL up off blocks with over 100kg, they are probably thinking im crazy burning all that energy and sweating doing that, i could be doing 5 sets of concentration curls instead.... I have often wanted to stop and ask them where they seen learnt there current program of curls, more curls, bench press and some flyes from.... But then i know i am wasting my time and energy that i could be using doing more 20 rep squats Still intrigues me though.

Also whats with everyone using machine for everything... even bench press and military press? I have trained at home for a fair while and am new to the whole commercial gym thing being a PTC follower from another forum i expected to see some "interesting" things in a commercial gym but nothing as sad as the efforts i have seen lately.
RAWR! Ppplz arnt traning how I tran! I'll intern3t it and becum popular w1d teh 4rumz!

Seriously, it sounds like some people need to keep there head down and just train. Especially if they think 100kg is heavy in any regard.
In the main gym area (outside of my PL club), I've learned to filter out all the newbs doing lame exercises and only visually detect hot women doing equally silly exercises.
I've seen it before and I don't know why..

Why do people do Curls in the Safety Cage or Squat Rack.. and rest the weights on the ground.. ?

It is not a squat rack, its a power rack, and unless you own it, people can do whatever exercise they want in it.

I'm guessing they buy a membership just like everyone else.

It pisses me off as well, but instead of whining on a forum (they didnt exist in 1992) I started lifting at home.

We use the power racks at PTC for chins, rack pulls, pin presses, shrugs etc
Wow... nice attack at me cause im a noob hey? Mate take it easy, i do keep my head down and train and bloody hard, dont really appreciate dick head comments on the "intern3t" from blokes like you, pretty disrespectful in all areas mate, you dont know me or know anything about the way i train yet you can quickly throw shit at me good on ya bud! good to see the body building/strength training forums are just as bad as most other forums, guess i will keep browsing and not bother posting. if you think i was bragging in my post you are a moron mate, but yes i do think 100kg SLDL on 20cm blocks for 10 reps is a decent weight for my current ability, if you lift more kudos to you, im not disrespecting you, im just amazed at the narrow minds a lot of the average people have in commercial gyms, i didnt name any names or target any members.... dont take offense bud jesus it is the "intern3et" after all isnt it?

And last time i looked this thread is titled "what you saw at the gym today" Doesnt that mean what you seen by looking around? Or is no one supposed to post in this thread cause we all walk around the gym with our eyes closed ffs.....
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wow. I recommend you dont go on bb.com. this place is a fucking kiddie pool compared to the misc.
Yea i know a lot of other forums are pretty bad, im a moderator on another large well known one trust me i know all about it, ive browsed BB.com once or twice and there was a lot of crap and abuse on there. I just cannot stand newbie bashing, if i had 2000 posts and some big flashy sig with all my lifts in it people would take me seriously and thats very sad, from what i seen so far this forum seemed a lot better than that, just cause ive got a few posts and only have just joined doesnt mean i know nothing about lifting or nutrition, thats the only reason i got wound up before. And if my initial post came across cocky or rude that wasnt the intention, i dont care how people want to train, if they want to waste their time doing pissy little isolation movements great that leaves the squat rack free for me, each to his own but that doesnt stop me from sitting and wondering why they do that isolation stuff and who teaches them that? That was what my actual post was saying... old mate just had to be sarcastic and shoot me down.