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had a good one today. had a guy set up the bench in the squat rack even though the other two benches were free. He's dressed in trackies, jumper, a beanie, wrists are strapped and looks about 60kg dripping wet. he loads up the bar with 70kg and starts benching full powerlifting style massive arched back grunting like crazy, finishes his set and slams the bar back. second set sure enough he pins himself and one of the big guys helps him out. he drops 10kg off and finishes his sets. next exercise the jumper is off and hes in his singlet, 30kg military presses, half ROM massive grunts and slams the bar back in every set. by this point im finished squatting and i leave him for awhile. i come back 10 mins later and here he is now down to shorts and no shoes standing on a pair of bumpers doing deficit deadlifts with 60kg on the bar and chains!!
Massive guy in gym, genuine thickness all over his chest and back, 18+" guns easy. Girlfriend had bigger legs than him. Wtf is wrong with these people, makes me sick. Guy had to be 110-120kg yet calves like tooth picks, how can there calves not grow walking around eith that weught....most fat ****s have decent calves..
Bloke in the gym, had spent the majority of his workout flexing and getting his pump on, notices (along with everyone else) the drop dead stunner in yoga pants squatting with impressive depth in one of the racks, other rack is taken up by a young fella squatting.

proceeds to load up a barbell with 100kgs, gets the straps and belt on, walks around huffing and puffing, clearly working himself up for the massive effort of dead lifting 100kg gets into position, puts as much effort into it as you would lifting 300kg, bar doesn't move. Gives up on that attempt. Reset's himself, this time noticing the 10/10 looking at him in the mirror, gets ready for another go, but that pesky 100kg just doesn't move, lol.

he walks off, leaving weights there, said stunner walks over, no belt, no straps and lifts it for reps

Never seen so many power lifters lose their shit when that happened. Bloke stormed off looking pissed, serves him right for making a scene trying to impress the stunner
I find it distracting, i mean shit come on, you get a fine piece of arse in tight yoga pants squatting or dead lifting i can barely remember to breathe let alone function lol

Hey Genics
Going by the posts, it's the kunce with guns that have the chicks hanging around them, the kunce farting their arses off in the squat rack don't seem to get that kind of attention.
As the old saying goes, the kunce that curls get the girls, kunce who squat get hemorrhoids.
Ok, I made up the part about the hemorrhoids, but you get the idea. There is a pattern.
Guy was esrly 40s id say, so was his mrs..bit old for me but i know what u mean. Saying that i often see girls biting there lips when i take my wide stance and tighten my belt! Haha
pretty sure i had a connection with a stunner today, kind of followed each other around for a bit and then i ended up on the bench to do some dumbell presse while she sat herself behind me to do some sit ups. too bad for me im only doing 15kg dumbells for rehab. i dont think she was impressed with my girly selection of weights
I don't know where people get the idea that the walking nacho get's all the girls...most of the chicks I know love calves and are impressed by a physique in proportion...They also think guys with big arms and no legs are douchebags....
Two things:
1) Lots of chicks wearing very short sports shorts and lycra shorts, always nice to see.
2) Saw some guys with chicken legs as i added an additional 10 kilos to my squats and calf raises... Tomorrow is leg day. Again.
Dumbells and those fixed weight barbells and EZ Curl bars EVERYWHERE. Just everywhere.

Wtf is wrong with people that they can't put their shit away?
Dumbells and those fixed weight barbells and EZ Curl bars EVERYWHERE. Just everywhere.

Wtf is wrong with people that they can't put their shit away?

Boils my blood, in jaqs ave people just leave shit everywhere.. Never seen anyone ever put stuff away or deload the bar. Then theres mug me taking 5min to unload 20 plates off the lp when im fucking shattered, jist gona start leaving it for the heros.

**** stood and watched me unload tje thing yeaterday then walks over "are you done". Kind thought fuck if ur waiting for it you could give me a hand and hurry it up a bit...