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Guy doing seated DB shoulder presses but when he brought the DB's down proceeded to bring his elbows together at the front (like you would on a pec-dec) then back and into another press (repeated over and over).

You mean you saw someone working out? Good one
Are u sure they weren't Arnold presses young fella?

I think that was the intention old fella, except he had the DB's by his ears, press up, back down again to ear height, then elbows swung around whilst the DB's are at ear height. Certainly didn't come around again say under the chin as you would normally with an Arnold.

I was intrigued and tried it at home - maybe some sort of stretch or contraction ?? Looked damn weird at the time.

Sounds like how I was taught to do Arnold presses the first time...which was so bad that after a couple workouts I had secured for myself almost every shoulder issue I've ever had since.
A big guy at my gym that I always see in the mornings decided to hog the power rack for a good 30mins today, he racked up 4 plates a side then proceeded to do 1/4 squats whilst making the loudest "PFFFFFT" noises... even asked me for a spot on his last set lol felt like saying "What for?"
Today we had

Mr Middle Aged Man with personal trainer who talked non stop shit throughout every set of every exercise he did. Complained about 60 kg being too heavy on the leg press, but then proceeded to talk all through the set about the beer/wine tasting thing he went to last night.

Mr Massive Beats Headphones, who came into the gym and spent half an hour trying to chat up a girl who clearly just wanted to get on with her workout.

One old guy who left his towel and drink bottle on a bench while he went and did deadlifts, but kept telling people he was going to use the bench.
Today I saw:

- A girl doing weighted GHR's (how to make Ryan feel weak)
- Another girl repping 60kg on the bench press
- A guy doing beltless paused squats for sets of 5 with what I hope to get as a 1RM in comp in a couple weeks.
What did i see today...

Guys squatting 150kg for reps (rarity in my gym)
Chick front and back squatting
Guy doing weighted dips on olympic rings..
A guy doing squats on the Smith machine. Alternating one hand on the bar whilst feeling his rippling quads with the other one.
A guy doing hami curls, his mate spotting.
He curled 34kg 6 times, jumped off the machine, Hi-5ed his mate and went "Woooohh!!" like he just squated 200.
SAW A KID - 18-19 WEARING A F**KING INZER LEVER BELT WHILE DOING CURLS - OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This wasnt at my normal gym but while I was visiting one of canberra's new "cool" gyms....
SAW A KID - 18-19 WEARING A F**KING INZER LEVER BELT WHILE DOING CURLS - OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This wasnt at my normal gym but while I was visiting one of canberra's new "cool" gyms....

Saw a bunch of kids like that at ultimate fitness in Darwin... Tighten up the belt, huff n puff n psych themselves up like they're about to go for a max deadlift.... Then start their 25kg curls. WTF

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
At least 7 or 8 young kunce all dressed in a black baseball cap worn backwards, white or light grey singlet and boxing boots.
I must have been away when the dress code memo came out.