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One of the pics on here was bloke on bloke.

How much of a guaranteed bench increase would people here need to allow another bloke to straggle their package while they bench.

Wasn't that one like a frame with 3 different exercises they where doing ?
Ok so it was on Tuesday but I forgot to post it was early in the morning I was doing bent overs and during a rest break I witnessed rage. Big bloated chest bro went up to this little Asian guy who was doing db bench. Now he was not really lifting right and the weight was too heavy so he dropped the weights after each set. Now this infuriated the big guy who went straight in his face and said
"Mate do you have a reason for dropping the weights?" Asian guy thinking what to say "I train here everyday and need the weights and use them right, why can't you do the bleeepn same?" Asian guy says "I wasn't" BIG GUY GETS HULK MAD pushes him and says "it's weak kunces like you that ruin weights, don't drop them, otherwise I drop you next"
By this time the handful of us there were trying to look busy whilst paying attention lol I really hope it happens again today it was entertaining and pretty crazy for a ff
This thread is hilarious been reading this for the past 2 months or so; one of the threads which cemented me joining this forum!

Well finally I have something to add (but unfortunately ,or in the big picture fortunately saw something positive today)!
A 15 yea old kid indian or Sri Lankan kid squatting with such perfect form it was sickening; watched one of his work sets before I had to go and first time setting the safeties he got them too high up and went down and the bars landed on them. His depth is sickening to watch as even after mobbing for 3 years I could never hope to achieve that.
Congratulated him and asked him how long his been squatting apparently just over a month and his at 65kg (gotta start somewhere); asked him why and said he loves olympic weightlifting and hopes to do it someday (his quite chubby at the moment yet with his work ethic FUARK hard to see him not succeeding) he even said he enjoyed watching Klokovs youtube vids.....first time I have ever heard anyone beside my OL buddies speak of him

Wata bright day, BUMP
Seen two guys doing bosu ball squats with 5kg dumbbells and then one of them took up all of the room in front of the dumbbell rack doing what looked like his own special version of tai chi/ shadow boxing in the mirror.

Brought on a few smiles from everyone else in the gym
Over the weekend I saw a guy "teaching" his girlfriend how to do flat bench DB presses, he had her pressing 17.5kg dumbbells which were clearly WAY to heavy for her as her wrists were flailing around all over the place, he had to spot here all the way up on every single rep (I think they did 5 maybe 6) and then she had no control over the negative phase of the movement. After completing the reps and drop / throwing the dumbbells on the floor she stands up, high fives him and he congratulates her on a great set...
A guy that has squatted 546kg, benched 412kg and pulled 370kg doing DB Laterals lol

They were heavier than I can overhead press, but I still thought it was funny
I have quite instable shoulders and I do lateral raises as prehab; though specific drills are undoubtedly better.
Nothing today at the gym just usual bro curlers and some such...
Inner City Brisbane 9.30pm the other night. On my way to gym I stop off at an Office Complex Courtyard to do some abs, sprints and shit to get blood flowing/warm up. Hot blonde chick walks into courtyard followed by some tall Surfer looking dude dragging a mattress. I'm not one to judge so continue to warm up while they turn off into a darkened leafy area beside a bank.

Soz, no pics for youse. Didn't even think of it.
Uhoh [MENTION=9034]kaz[/MENTION]; - You're in trouble, going to be getting smaller boobs and a deeper voice any day now if you don't start doing high reps!!!
Not so much in the gym, but about the gym...

View attachment 7909

Gironda, told his trainees to never squat of dead-lift

If he saw them in his gym doing these exercises he would physically throw them out.

Gironda believed that doing low weight / high rep did change the shape of the muscle, not physically but the higher rep's burnt fat more effectively to reveal the shape of the muscle.

Lol. Plus liver tabs.
Have read Vince Gironda's objections to the Squat are due to the development of "turnip thighs". [MENTION=9251]Darkoz[/MENTION];
I saw someone use an ab curler last night...remember from those TV ad's?!?!

I used to use one of those!! I actually found they targeted my midsection more than normal sit-ups! my abs would burn on that thing!! Very under-rated relic in gym equipment history