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You guys make me not want to go to the gym. I feel so retarded lifting the light weights I lift! Lucky for me I'm crazy and do shit enough if I look stupid doing it or id never go to the gym!
I wouldn't take it too seriously, other forums (different hobbies) also have similar threads, it keeps us amused.

I really don't think anyone laughs at how little weight people do, sometimes i might go very high reps or suicide sets and be lifting FA then the biggest person in the gym walks past, it does not bother me.

Maintain good form, continously try to push yourself.

Its not a bad idea to start another thread, like what good things did you see at the gym today thread. Maybe i'll start one.
sorry i didnt mean to come off so harsh, but seriously, what good can come from focusing on the negative? I mean eveyone on here at one time or another gets help and learns form someone else so why bag those who havent had the chance to learn yet? If your not going to help them the atleast leave them alone. Atleast there giving it a go unlike a lot of lazy people in this world.

I understand there are some complete d*cks in most gyms who think they know everything but are they really bothering you during your workout?
If your not going to help them the at least leave them alone.
Tried that, didn't work. How about this recent example?...

I was doing deads in the squat rack and a group of three girls who workout a fair bit in the weights area walk up and ask if they can use the rack to squat. I say sure, go for it and step back another couple of feet and they grab a bar off the incline bench and move in. They then start doing those quarter squat things we all complain about. I thought, bugger it, they work hard in here I'll give them some form pointers. BIG mistake. I jokingly say "open your stance, flair those toes and see if you can get a bit lower". Alpha girl takes offence, racks the bar and rips my head off. Tells me I know nothing and that you can't go past 90 degrees safely as it opens the scapula on your knee. I respond by saying some powerlifters squat 300kg all the way down safely and she responds with well, yeah that's powerlifters which is completely different. I try and mention how she's only working quads and needs to get the glutes and hammies involved but she's not listening. I bow out. I then pull 147.5kg off the floor, put it down rather heavily 'cause I'm a bit pissed now, then walk off to get some water. As I come back, I see her talking to her girlfriend criticizing my deadlift technique.

Fuck this I say, I am NEVER EVER EVER going to try to help someone ever again. They can all go and fuck themselves.

OK, rant off.

meh you get know it alls in parts of life ,
I know in my job working as a techie, i work with the stuff all the time can do the things blind folded , what i learnt was by hands on not by reading some book I don't have a fancy certificate hanging on the wall saying that i can remember slabs of crap that i read from a book to pass a test

but still get some tossers, that come along trying to tell me that i am doing it wrong i should be doing it this way instead of that way
Fuck this I say, I am NEVER EVER EVER going to try to help someone ever again. They can all go and fuck themselves.

OK, rant off.


lol, this is so true. some people you give advice to accept it and thank you. others rip your head off. all in all, it is just not worth it, even if you are trying to help
that sucks mate. don't let it put you off though, most people take advice on board and you might really help them out.
Lol i had a similar one Mike. 2 Chicks doing deadlifts, huge arches in their backs and using double overhand grip. Suggested they try mix grip and lift the bar close to their body to try and keep a straight back.

They replied with "Well that's not how we were shown how to do it by the PT's here"

I told them they were shown wrong and I asked them how many times they had seen anyone here deadlift, let alone the PT's that work here (i am one of about 3 people that deadlift at my gym). They couldnt give me an asnwer. Didnt even try the mix grip either. Oh well....

Oh yeah, i was deadlifting 140kg for reps just behind them. Still wouldnt take any notice of my advice
MikeW, you need to read people first before you give them unsolicited advices, so you know whether they are happy to take the advice or not. I frequently do this at the gym, hardly ever get a bad reaction. I think the worst I've got is a polite variation of "no thanks".

One thing I would never do is to give advices to a group of friends (2 or more). It does not matter whether your advice is solid or rubbish, you are essentially challenging the alpha of the group (who's training his/her mates) and that never goes down well, unless you're fully aware of this and can handle it. Even if the alpha actually agrees with you, he/she will be compelled to publicly disagree just to save face.
When i can deadlift 6 plates for reps im going to pay a few commercial gyms a visit I reckon for shits and giggles, my gym owner got banned from one for doing 6 plate squats for reps

Dude, relax.
It's just a bit of fun, you have heard of fun haven't you? Maybe you need to be closed?

No one is really take this thread seriously, maybe you shouldn't, or do you curl in the squat rack and sniff benches too?
I gave advice once (a long time ago) and also had my head ripped off.. So now i create a thread like this and just have a laugh at people here (I dont laugh at these people at the gym).

I might give advice one day again at the gym

When dinosaurs start roaming the earth again!!

You are more then welcomed to start a thread titled "positive things i saw today" or "inspiring things i saw today"
Yesterday I saw electrical conduit hanging off the walls and power points missing, so I got the drill, pliers etc and fixed it up between sets.

Of course I lift in my shed and I'm part way through wiring it up. I wouldn't advise returning to a gym if you see that kind of shit.
Mike did she really say 'opens the scapula of the knee'?????????
Yep, her precise words...

Shame, because they're actually trying pretty hard and could do well if they took on some advice, but it won't be me giving it now, that's for sure!

Now I may have only completed undergrad and post grad anatomy and poked through a lot of dead bodies but I don't remember any scapula in your knee.
Yep, her precise words...

Shame, because they're actually trying pretty hard and could do well if they took on some advice, but it won't be me giving it now, that's for sure!


My answer would've been yeah your right it does open
up the "Scapula" and laugh at em.... LOL
pfft scapula,.... patela,..... same thing lol

Anyways you should get hold of her friend one day, if you see her training alone, let her know they are doing a great job, but here are a few things to try, if she says anything tell her that her alpha frind doesnt really know what she is saying , (point out the scapula patela mixup) get her doing a pb your way,....godlike ness will be yours!.
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