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I've usually found that those who bag out football have never played it and would get smashed on the field. ... just sayin
Alternatively, what's the actual point of football?

There are two legitimate answers to that question.

1) The point of football is to get the ball to the opposition's end of the field without your progress being halted or losing the ball. This is to be done within the confines of mutually agreed rules.

2) The point of football is to provide a controlled outlet for the physical confrontation craved by young males. In the absence of regular tribal conflicts, rendered obsolete by the flimsy veil of civilisation, the natural tendency of young men to seek conflict, further weakens the aforementioned flimsy veil. It is difficult to maintain the illusion of societal stability when these aggressive tendencies remain unmanaged. To this end, physical games were invented to replicate the need for competition and team games evolved from that to satisfy the need to belong to a group.

Whilst not a perfect solution, the institution of team sports doubtless saves society from untold lawlessness.

Alternatively, what's the actual point of being strong in a world where the refrigerator weighs only about 25kgs?
Have wondered that for years, came to the conclusion that it is just an excuse for guys to feel each other up and then shower together naked.

I remember in the change room after a game with Hailebury old boys the captain came running out of the shower singing the club song with his dick in his hand twirling it around like a propeller.
That's etched in my mind.
I remember in the change room after a game with Hailebury old boys the captain came running out of the shower singing the club song with his dick in his hand twirling it around like a propeller.
That's etched in my mind.

That'll happen when you play ammo's....
I've usually found that those who bag out football have never played it and would get smashed on the field. ... just sayin
I have played and would still get smashed on the field. My point wasn't to bag out football, though, just to say that, when you think about it, it doesn't really have much practical use, and yet a lot of people value it anyway. I could have picked any sport, really, but football is just the first thing that comes to mind when I think of sport.
Housemate last night went to have a look at a new gym .. He told me he asked if they had a squat rack .. The guy in charge apparently said oh we don't have a squat rack , squats give you chicken legs (!) .. We encourage the use of machines .. Un-fucking-believeable .. I feel sorry for people who actually buy this shit ..

They will if you're an ant

Machines are for ******s that goes from lat pull down to tricep push downs..I got sucked into that hammer strength life fitness Mumbo that flex and m&f and all the big mags promotes and realised that's what actually fucks your joints , since I switched to solely iron my joints are in top shape again I fong even need krill oil FTW ... I won't even leg press any more if my body doesn't have the freedoms to choose its own path then I don't want it...btw what gym please? so I can go in there and king hit the ****** and stomp on he's pencil neck and show him what strength squats have given me!!!!