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Heres what i saw in the gym today. I was taking a quick break between my sets of barbell bent rows when this greek guy in jeans who wasn't even training today picked up my barbell and did a set of rows himself, much faster than I could.
I miss fitness first. No longer get to contribute to this thread.
I don't have enough GYM fails at home to report!
I miss fitness first. No longer get to contribute to this thread.
I don't have enough GYM fails at home to report!

You could post something like.... Saw a power lifting chick in the gym tonight... She out lifted everyone else....
and so many wankers not putting their weights away I don't care how cool you think you are I shouldn't have to spend time putting 100kg worth of plates away that ain't mine

the first gym I trained at was owned by a guy with several National Bodybuilding titles behind him, and the average member was 5 foot tall and 4 foot wide, but on the walls were these signs that said "Please unload your equipment when finished, not everyone is as strong as you are, and the Ladies want to train too". It was signed "Don't make me come and ask you", and on the few times weights were not unloaded, that person's membership was suspended.

I mentioned this recently to a gym owner who tried it and has seen a drastic reduction in people not unloading. I suggest having a chat to the gym manager about it and asking them to give it a try.
Interesting to see the comments on PT's. I go to quite a large genesis and the PT's are conspicuous by their absence... There are plenty of people doing weird and wonderful exercises that could possibly be dangerous yet no one is around to pull them up or give advice... I am wondering how many people get injured trying to work it out for themselves.

Witnessed a similar debacle. Two idiots quarter squatting 40 and 80 kilos in the smith machine WITH a weight belt. I wanted to choke them with it.
How much pressure/force does it take to crack/break a rib, its not a huge amount is it?

Yeah not much really. Most people who require CPR end up with broken ribs.

Anyway, today at Anytime there was a guy teaching his girlfriend to squat using the smith machine. She was doing that typical "lean back into the bar" technique that everyone seems to do, so that the bar is way behind the centre of the feet... she was pretty hot though, so instead of helping I just perved..

The thing with these commerical gyms and PT's is that generally they won't turn up and show their presence if they don't have a client as MOST of their clients get allocated to them, which is my understanding anyways, so if they aren't working they don't show, instead of being around the gym helping out and trying to build thwir client base they do whatever they do away from the gym....

Yes and no. One gym I worked out, the clients were allocated to me. However, I've just come out of a short stint at another gym where I was contracted and they weren't (unless it was a promo or something). But yes - some PTs I have met won't stick around unless they are training their clients or themselves.

I would like to know though - if you were doing an exercise you didn't realise was incorrect, would you appreciate a PT showing you the correct way?
Heres what i saw in gym today. These 2 guys who look almost the same both taking turns of doing a set of 150kg deadlifts. Are they clones or something?

I was generalising, but understand what your saying.

As for advise, well at my experience level it would depend on the PT, most I would not give the time of day to at my gym, a couple I would listen to and see their reasoning and then make make my mind up, i think it depends on lifting experience and experience of the pt.