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Thats why I workout in a home gym now so arseholes like you don't judge me. Now where did I put my invisible suitcases I am off to intimidate the neighbours.
Today I saw... I saw.... I didn't see anything!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GT3RuX9Ow4]We didn't see anything... - YouTube[/ame]
big fat muzza is pumping his dewalt tradie radio louder than the gym music, completes a set then flexes in the mirror
Guy starts every work out by strapping on some moon boot looking things, thought they were prosthetics at first then proceeds to strut around gym before hanging upside from chin bar by hooking in moon boots then does 3 sets of 5 half rep sit ups. While wearing while full marathon runners get up. Has some muscle to him but rocking a pot belly
I didn't say you lied, I said its hard to believe. Can't see any pics from link as not friends.

Post it up, will be good to see.

I can't figure out how to upload a pic from my mates phone onto here so I just got him to open his profile on FB so u can see this pic, I realized today while I was trying to upload it that he is only doing 220kg in this pic 4x25kg plates a side and the bar is 20kg he ended up putting 1 more 15kg weight a side on. Next time he is there squatting I will ask him if I can video it with my ipad and I'll post it on here.
Here's a new link to the photo on my mate page


Hope it works this time, may gain some credibility on here lol

no such joy
As my w/o time has now changed to the afternoon I did not see swimming cap man however, I have a new contender in the making - Dancing Old Man
This guy is a champ, in the stretching area with way too high shorts (revealing too much) and a grey tucked in singlet heard Lady Ga Ga Edge of Glory and made a little squeal and started full on busting a move in front of the mirror much to the surprise to those around him as they were cooling down
For unco people and in case you lose a lift due to injury. If you screwed up and a plate dropped on my foot I would smack you over the head with it. It's rare but it does happen. And no I don't use collars in my home gym just at work.

accidents never happen in gyms...
I love the guys who do BP's with their thumbs tucked under the bar... I used to tell everyone they should have thumbs wrapped around the bar. Usually they would shrug of the recommendation, but one day a guy was doing 60kg BP's and the bar rolled.... right onto his chest (from arms length height). He got up after a while and claimed everything was alright but I didn't see him in the gym for several months and when he did return he wrapped the thumbs round the bar...
today @ the gym...

I've been watching this kid do concentration curls, or at least that's what they're supposed to be... lots of shoulder and lower back work in there, not much elbow flexing...

Anyway, this morning I thought I'd have a go at some supersets of SQ/RDL/BP/BBRow (8 reps/pyramid weights) when midway through a set of Rows the kid walks in, grabs his regular DB for his regular concentration curls, and sits down. I was onto the 3rd set of SQ (including load changes) before he started curling, and finished his quick jerks before I finished my set, then he took another rest. I was on Rows of the next round before he picked up a weight again to train the other arm. And this continued, I think he did 3 sets in the time I finished 6 supersets.

I was soooo bored for him...
Watched an ultra skinny young bloke of im guessing sri lankan or indian descent perform 3 curl variations with terrible form, wanted to wander over and suggest he lay a foundation before polishing the stained glass windows but then I would have been "that guy"...

Brutal, thankfully never seen it happen myself, just on vids.... looks fucking bad... have no idea why someone would ever use that grip.... I only know it as suicide grip... for a reason

How much pressure/force does it take to crack/break a rib, its not a huge amount is it?