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The power of RAW!!


The raw power of nature

Now. My dads a vegan- after being a meat eating italian for 45 years.

His healthy, everything in check ect ect

But this FAD!!! yes, Just like organic. a dam gimic.

Is becomming ridiculous.... I wonder whats next on the list.

anyone here eaten like this before?
What made him change?

What I know is, as I've aged my tolerance for certain foods is decreasing.

I dont eat shit as much as I used to, but I ate one of those Maccas lamb burgers on the weekend and I felt just awful about an hour after it.

My body can't cope as well with that sort of food and alcohol like it used to.

My advice to you blokes is to eat that shit very seldomly, and to make sure that it's mostly fresh whole foods that make up your monthly diet.
Anecdotally... Vegans and the like always seem to be more sickly people, I've lost count of the number of vegetarians and vegans I've met who seem to have a chronic health problem...

they also seem to be scarecrow thin more often than not..., my brother is generally vegetarian and has lost a few more kg lately... and when at my house he couldn't even move my 64kg kettlebell off the floor with both hands! (I then picked it up with one hand to show him how its done)... I'd rather be fat on meat and milk
Bodybuilding on a raw food vegan diet would be pretty damn challenging... no meat or dairy protein, no soy protein (requires processing), no oats (cooking required) minimal legumes (most require cooking) ... you'd have to hope you didn't have any kind of nut allergy!

Most def.

He always had high blood pressure, Over wieght and just not to healthy.

He made the transition over 1.5 years. Firstly cutting out fried foods, then cutting out red meat, then eggs, then dairy.

Blood pressure is fine, No more tablets. Weight has dropped dramaticly. Bad problems with snoring is all gone. Over all he looks much better, Feels better too.

I think he made a drastic change though, But it worked for him. He could of just cleaned up the crappy food and ate less.
Most def.

Imagine a Locavour, Or a vegan locavour for that matter.

They will onyl eat food grown and raised within a 100km radious or something crazy.

Im not a fan of the extreams - Im all for a balanced diet. Heck i even eat my dads food every now and then- He makes his food taste dam good.

Actaully- come to think of it- He wont even eat any white grains or white sugar. Not even honey.

Better blood pressure would be due to him losing weight would it not? not the change in diet?

While I had a lamb burger from Mcdonalds on the weekend and while it wasn't that good tasting my question is why is that classed as shit food. Sure I am not saying eat it everyday but what makes it shit food.

The burger has just meat, salads, bun, cheese, egg and some sauces. None of them are bad foods but put them together in a burger and all of a sudden its classed as shit food.
whole fresh foods just make you feel better. Nuff said.

But Bella will never give up meat or eggs. Omg, I'd rather die! lol

I'm of the view that life, is entirely about balance. Every aspect of your life. We struggle with finding this balance mind you, but it's a very personal thing.

I'll be damned if I'm giving up that juicy, medium rare steak that's calling my name

That being said, I love raw whole foods too, just not as the totality of my ENTIRE dietary intake.

But good luck to them. The raw movement is huge and very popular.


Bazza, do you think it's because the meat is over processed? It is beef, but there's alot of sugar, sodium and processed fillers added in there for taste. The bun is also full of sugar. The content of the burger is fine - but the sauces drive the kcal energy through the roof too.

I guess the issue is the kcal measure of burgers of fast food chains - as opposed to what you could actually be eating if you prepared the meal yourself?

Its not shit food. I guess it's no different from making your own burgers at home, with low grade mince meat with loads of fat in the meat and smothering a sugary bun with mayonaise and all kinds of high cal sauces?

There's a place for everything. Have heard the lamb burger isn't as good as it looks anyway. And it looks yummy on the tv! lol
Fat per patty in a big mac is about 19-21% per patty and patties in q.pounders are about 25-27% if i remember my macca's training correctly lol
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I had that Maccas lamb burger the other day and it was fuarrrrrrrrrrrrrrken sensational.

Well, taste is subjective, in that I didn't think it tasted that bad.

The burger was full of salt, it did taste like lamb and rosemary, so I'll take it on faith that, that was all that is in it, this is the issue, for me.

The salad was some lettuce and onion and a slice of tinned beetroot

The bun was fluffy and sweet and soft, I'd think I'd need to eat maybe ten of those at best versus one slice of sourdough for nutrient value.

The egg was good, but I'd already had three that morning

A white flavored sauce, don't know it origin.

Tomato sauce?

Tomato? I can't recall.

When I'd finished the burger I felt like I needed to drink a bucket of water.

I suppose bazza20, for me, if it makes me feel like shit, then it is....

I love Greek lamb, of the gyro thingy, but that makes me feel like crud also.

But your right, whatever is eaten needs to be kept under control.

I was watching this couple in a car next to me, the girl was eating Cheetos, a big fuckin bag! Of Cheetos the bloke was going for his life, one mouthful after another, he couldn't get it in his pie hole fast enough.

High calorie or high fat doesn't make something bad food otherwise we would have to class nuts, avocado and fatty fish as bad food. High calorie foods can be fine or even what is needed depending on the situation.

Sugar and salt dont make something bad. Fruits are full of sugar, our body can handle sugars fine, like anything excess is the problem. The body needs salt, again excess is the problem. Its a bit like saying water is bad for you because if you drink too much water it will kill you.

For any food to be bad you need to look at the context of the whole diet. In one situation it may be what you need in other situations maybe not. Eg high calorie foods can be fine for people high energy expenditure or if it fits into the diet but for overweight people there may better choices.

It's the oversimplified thinking of good and bad foods that is the basis of these stupid fad diets.

Excellent post, I agree 100%.

I'd rep you again but I'm not allowed to yet lol

Have to agree with this. I have no idea what else they put in their mince but there's not much wrong with the stuff you mentioned. I think the tendency to get chips and a cup full of lolly water with the burger is where it starts to come undone. I still do it from time to time though. I even get the shake. God knows what they put in that.