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The high Protein Myth

I have normally found the guys that look into things to much and spend to much time breaking down every little thing down in their training and diet have worse results than the guys that have a simple plan of action based on things that have worked for years and get in there and bust their fucking ass in the gym.....

Have a balanced diet...if your looking to put on more muscle eat more protein...its that simple...I have always go with the rule of 1.5g - 2g per pooud of bodyweight i.e I weigh 200lbs so on any given day I eat between 300-400g of protein per day...normally closer to 300g...this is simple knowledge for someone who is training to gain size...I learnt this shit back when I was 16 and have lived by it since....and I think its working fairly well....
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Keeping it simple works wonders, people just need to know the basics and leave the nitty gritty details for those who get paid for it or the pros.
Many people have many different theories and they obviously work for them. So I say stick to whatever works for you. Although personally I agree with joel and dave keep it simple and basics just like with your training stick the the basic compound heavy movements. I also like to stick with to much protein rather then to little. Also protein is the hardest macronutrient for your body to store as fat so you will still put on fat if you have to much protein just not as much as if you have larger amounts of carbohydrates and fats.
Keeping it simple works wonders, people just need to know the basics and leave the nitty gritty details for those who get paid for it or the pros.

Yep and usually the guys arguing over the minute stuff are lucky to be 60kg.
Hang on,

you didn't just...did you ?

you sly dog , you ..

Honestly not singling anyone out but you see in on any forum. Guys weighing 60kg discussing the timing of there post workout shake down to the second.
Honestly not singling anyone out but you see in on any forum. Guys weighing 60kg discussing the timing of there post workout shake down to the second.

I know,

its a joke.

I want to ring the necks of prepubescent idiots at the local gyms.