Hi Guys,
Nice little web page I just stumbled upon after following another link in this other thread.
The following link shows a formula for calculating in rough terms what your goal lifts should be in dead/squat/bench based on your target bodyweight and bodyfat percent.
The body composition equation
For me, I'm aiming to get to 80kg bodyweight with about 7% bodyfat. I worked through the formulas on the link and this suggests I need to lift about the following at 80kg and obviously work on my diet to achieve that bodyfat percent:
Deadlfit 192kg
Squat 166kg
Bench 125kg
That all sounds about right. For those who couldn't be bothered with a pen and paper but who are still interested in calculating their target lifts then I've attached a spreadsheet with the required cells highlighted in yellow.
Interesting little exercise to pass the time of day.
Nice little web page I just stumbled upon after following another link in this other thread.
The following link shows a formula for calculating in rough terms what your goal lifts should be in dead/squat/bench based on your target bodyweight and bodyfat percent.
The body composition equation
For me, I'm aiming to get to 80kg bodyweight with about 7% bodyfat. I worked through the formulas on the link and this suggests I need to lift about the following at 80kg and obviously work on my diet to achieve that bodyfat percent:
Deadlfit 192kg
Squat 166kg
Bench 125kg
That all sounds about right. For those who couldn't be bothered with a pen and paper but who are still interested in calculating their target lifts then I've attached a spreadsheet with the required cells highlighted in yellow.
Interesting little exercise to pass the time of day.