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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiEiWUFA-nc&NR=1]YouTube - Hassan El Belghitti 310kg deadlift @ 67,5 (4,6*BW!)- European Open Championships 2010[/ame]
Leaves his toes no room for error lol

lol he's perfected the technique, turn in his feet a bit before he drops 4.6x his bodyweight near his toes.

he was pretty stoked, that he got the lift and kept all his toes!
he squats a fair bit too.

can't post a vid but it is in the related videos if you watch the above deadlift one on youtube directly
He better watch his back with those deadlifts! He might hurt himself. My mates mate is a perosnal trainer and he said it was dangerous!
No my mates p/e teacher told him that deadlifts are the best example of how not to lift weights..

He will hurt his back.

Best to use the leg press....

My phsyio showed me yesterday why deadlifts are bad for your back. They strengthen your main muscles but all the littles ones that hold the spine together are only worked while the back it rounded. She said if you are going to deadlift at least make an effort to stretch your back in a rounded position.

She also explained how muscle bellys like mine are because my back muscles are too active. She explained it that when your bicep is tensed your tricep is relaxed so on. She then went onto say my back had been doing all the work and I had neglected my core which led to the unsupported back section of my spine clashing and giving me nerve pinches.

To fix the problem I have to a) quit deadlifting or b) incorporate core workouts and stretch my back forward during training.

Just thought I'd share. My physio is a Russian women with experience in the weightlifting and army scene.
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did she elaborate on the other core lifts you should do?? did you tell her deadlifting is a core workout!!