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Testing new equipment

Thats an illegal bar for competition.

No dramas as a gym bar, but I need to make sure all my equipment is competition legal.

Having a wider than legal spacing between the collars changes the dynamics.

If you needed to get a special bar for your bench, your bench is poorly made and also not legal.

I have a power rack, squat stands and bench press, and the width of the uprights is the same on 3, any equipment that isnt is poorly made.

Thats a nice Bench press that synergy make though, I rate it slightly better than mine, but its not one I would buy.

I'm way too fussy now that I train clients. I should scour the net and post up a pic of the kind I rate

The gym now has the standard ABC bars and they fit fine, maybe a 4cm gap to the collars on each side.
No issues at all, dead straight.

We are using both of the bars Gym Direct sent down at the football club. We use them for squats, deads, benches.

Everything still good
I'm getting one of these ad well they look good. Though if markos can't break it I doubt I can..

However I will try.

The bar is slot nicer then the cheaper abc bars that were at my gym though.
Posted via Mobile Device
does both sleeves rotate freely on your 600kg bar? i also have one from gym direct and was told they both will rotate freely after a few weeks ( one wasnt spinning as good as the other) still isn't spinning as well as the other yet..

A heavy duty prowler
A cambered bar
A multi grip bar
does both sleeves rotate freely on your 600kg bar? i also have one from gym direct and was told they both will rotate freely after a few weeks ( one wasnt spinning as good as the other) still isn't spinning as well as the other yet..

Both ends spin fine, but we use the bars for squats, deads and benches, we have a dedicated bar for the Oly lifts, the ZK bar costs $1000. It has needle bearings which are meant for the quick lifts.

Spinning collars mean nothing on powerlifts at all.

Markos, is that bar the muscle motion one off gym direct? is it still doing ok, straight etc?

Thinking about buying a 600kg rated one to use for banded box squats as i wanna keep my elieko all purty ; - )