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Hi ppl. Iv f@!kd up big time iv been running test 250 and deca 150 for the last 8 weeks, Im thinking i might get another 2 weeks outta it before I'm out. Now before I get a ramming I know I should of got it all up front but I honestly thought that was gonna do for 16 weeks or so ( think I pigged out ). And all that I can get at the moment is sust 250 and deca 200. I know enanthate and sust are both tests. So what I'm asking is it ok to start using sust right now to drag the cycle out the desired time. Need help quick people
1.25ml of the test e and .75ml of the deca 200 is equil and shuld bridge the 2 diff gears like a charm.
I been in similer situations and never had a prob.
I left it late and ran out of test at the end of my last blast only to find out my guy went away so i didnt hav test for 2 weeks my test levels would hav dropped like a sak of spuds but i didnt notice any loss in weight, strength or sexdrive at all because of it.
Thank you ppl. I was panicking for a bit there test e and sust 250 are both test awesome just had to make sure it was going to work. otherwise I would of stopped for a couple of months and kicked off with a sust cycle
Let me provide some perspective for you. I do not endorse the use of steroids recreationally.

Taking steroids to ‘look better’ defeats their core purpose with regards to sport (though they are truly designed for medical issues and nothing else)

I will use bodybuilding as it is the most obvious example. Do you believe that you can achieve Ronnie Coleman like size from 250 grams of testosterone a week? The answer is obvious.
Let us take the substance testosterone, the staple in any steroids cycle. 2000mgs a week is considered relatively low for a competitive body builder, 5000mg is in the upper echelons of usage. This is excluding peptides use and other drugs.
So please……… explain to me and the other users of this forum how using a gram a week is in anyway detrimental.
With regards to P.C.T you are free to believe as you will, this is my opinion and just that, it is not gospel. I also happen to believe that ‘cycling’ is a floored concept in reality, though in theory sounds plausible.

Im pretty sure ronnie wouldn't even use 10% of that mate... Please stop posting.
Want to live longer? smoke a pack of ciggies a day.

Im not wrong, its not shit info, its my opinion :rolleyes:

.....Seriously Shrek.....
Of course you guys are always right and never wrong.

Some one on here suffers delusions of grandeur.
There is no correct way. It's a matter of choice.
Asking some one to stop posting or assume he's trolling for having an opinion is wrong.
I don't take steriods or TRT / HRT so I couldn't care less :)
I think most of us are sane enough to separate good opinion from the rest.

If something sounds silly, then offer a an opinion that critiques in a sensible way.

On this issue, i agree that suggestions of what pros need (or take) is quite silly. Some may take that much, but they are probably a bit stupid in the first place.

There are quite a few studies that show that after a certain dosage, no further retained nitrogen levels are achieved.

However, I also agree that stopping people from expressign themsleves, evne if it appears wrong, is also flawed.