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Suggestions/Advice for protein please


Hi Folks,

A few weeks back I had surgery to remove some bleeding ulcers and to rectify a hiatus hernia (all bought on by stress and how fat and unhealthy I was for such a prolonged period I would assume).

This is also the reason I'm not at work at present. Recovery.

Since the surgery and for a few months into the future, I will find it difficult to eat the proper portion of foods. Anything bulky and hard to digest is almost a no-go zone, so my protein has taken a hit.

As a result, I have not been eating too much at all - but this was to be expected. And when I do eat, I can only eat very small portions at one time.

My weightloss has stalled expectedly, because my body is likely in starvation mode at this point. It was keyhole surgery, so it only effected my training for around a week and I was back into it.

My question is, how to get more protein and nutrients into me over the coming months, to ensure my body isn't depleted of anymore lean muscle? I still have around 30kgs (give or take) of fat to lose. And the advice I've received thus far is conflicting. My Dr suggested protein drinks/shakes to assist with calorie intake and daily protein amounts - but the gym instructor I spoke with this morning, said protein shakes/drinks are crap and they're full of shit that's bad for you.

So I'm confused.

I've never had meal replacements or protein drinks at all before. I changed my lifestyle, ate healthily and was incredibly strict about it - thus being able to shed almost 70kgs in 12 months. Mostly lots of green veg, lean protein, fruit etc...I just rounded out my diet plan and cardio trained like a freak.

Now, I can't really eat steak, chicken is sometimes a struggle - canned tuna is fine, but I can't finish one of those small cans off at the moment. I still have my steamed veg and that seems fine, but I can't eat nearly as much as I once was at present.

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. And what of meal replacement/protein drinks? Are they ok to supplement a diet that falls short - for the short term? Or are they really crap?

Dr says I'll be eating like this for a few months at least, until the swelling heals inside and the body recovers internally.

Am on a multi-vitamin, omega 3's etc - but beyond that, I know I'm not eating enough and I know my body is not getting what it needs.

Thanks all! Appreciate any input.

Jo x

My advice in bold above.

Do a search on Max Brenner's posts. Loads of info about diet and nutrition
My advice in bold above.

Do a search on Max Brenner's posts. Loads of info about diet and nutrition

Thanks Gunner!

But let me ask a question? I will continue eating what I can, but if I start using Whey Protein Powder and mix it into a shake, is it a supplement for a meal? Or do I have it in addition to whatever I'm able to eat as a meal?

I don't want to start putting on weight, because I'm drinking shakes in between food? lol

I am a bit naive when it comes to this stuff I'm afraid. I had the actual 'eating' of good, vital foods down pat and this surgery has created a curve ball for me in that I'm unable to eat very much and some of my previous choices for protein are now no longer possible because they're too dense for me at present.

Appreciate your input. Thank you
For protein just buy pure WPI or WPC from a site sponsor, nothing bad in it, just protein, stay away from the commercial ones you buy in the shops, as they have lots of additives.

Like I said to you before, stay away from 99% of advice given by 98% of all PT's working in commercial gyms, most have no idea, and just parrot bro science they heard somewhere.

Work out how many callories you are eating at the moment, and how much protein you are taking in, then if required have the protein shake in addition to your meals. I can not eat breakfast for some reason (just not hungry, and don't feel like anything) have never eaten before ten or eleven AM in my life, so I have a protein shake first thing in the morning before work, then I have my first meal of the day around lunch time, then a protein shake in the arvo and then eat dinner after training, and then a shake before bed.

As you can see I only eat twice a day, sometimes only once, so I use the shakes to boost my protein intake to keep feeding my muscles.

Hope that helps!
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That's awesome advice Mick, thank you.

Like you, I've never been one for breakfast either....this makes sense.

Will read up on Max Brenners threads too Gunner.

Thank you boys!

Protein powder should be used as a supplement to a good diet. I wouldn't describe it as a meal 'replacement' tool, but i suppose you can get away with this at times.

As above, make sure you are getting your macros as necessary and use protein powder as a supplement to achieve this.
Semen (which is the fluid containing sperm) contains about 5 calories per ejaculation, total. Assuming that all of those 5 calories derive from protein, you'd be looking at 1.25g of protein.

but srsly, work out how many maintence calories you need. Minus 500 calories off that, use about 30-40% of total calories from protein. (1 gram of protein = 4 calories btw).

protein powder is not neccesary, but it is quite cheap per gram of protein. Can easily have 1 or two shakes a day to boost up protein
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Work out required calories. Minus 10%.

Consume 2g of protein per Kg of Bodyweight & 0.85g of fat per Kg of Bodyweight. The rest can be made up from carbs.
You need to look at it as another nutrient source. If it is hard, or too expensive, to get your daily protein intake from meat etc then using a shake is a good way to hit your target. This then goes into your total daily calorie intake because it is a calorie source like all proteins no matter where they come from.So if you take it on top of what you are eating now you will put on or stop losing weight. If is better to get your proteins from whole foods if possible but for the reasons stated above there can be issues with this.

You can make shakes into good meals using a blender, fruit, veggies, milk etc etc. I would not live off of them though. Also if you have a shake for breakfast it is still a meal because you have ingested calories, just because you don't chew it does not mean it is not food (nutrients and specifically a macronutrient).

Buddy, unless your also offering a semen dispenser, or can provide a man who can be a semen dispenser for me, then this piece of information is null and void????

The rest of your post - good advice! Thank you lol

LAandE - thank you

Thanks Dave, good also.
I know they have calories, thus the reason I was curious as to whether it would be a meal replacement?

Boys, will check out my calorie needs and factor in my protein needs, then the shake can become a 'part' of my meal, rather than the total sum of it?

Thanks so much, all of you, for your suggestions and advice, you're all wonderful xx
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Buddy, unless your also offering a semen dispenser, or can provide a man who can be a semen dispenser for me, then this piece of information is null and void????

The rest of your post - good advice! Thank you lol

i charge $10 hour, real cheap, good bargain. I could provide around 10 grams i reckon, that should build your glutes up.

See response above.
Totally off topic! lol

Thanks MaxBrenner - all of you lads have given good advice (
buddy, even you my friend....even you )

Will read up, do some calculating and go out and buy me some protein powder.

Appreciated gentlemen x