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[Article] Substitute for face pulls

The Hamburgler

Spotter Loader
So basically once again I am crippled by injury (this time it's my hips not letting me squat)
It has basically lead to me scouring the vast interwebs for exercises that may help me prevent more injuries
I've had shoulder troubles in the past and one exercise that keeps cropping up is the "face pull"
All fine and dandy but I don't have a cable attachment at home. Straight away I considered doing it with bands, but then obviously resistance changes etc etc I also thought I might be able to rig up something with a bit of rope/chain and a j hook to put weights on. Then I also have gym rings and a TRX which could possibly kinda work

In the end I thought fook it, the rest of my training revolves around BBs, DBs and KBs so my upper back/bench balance exercise might as well . . . As well

Which leads me to my question - are any of these suitable, or are there some even better ones that I haven't thought of? OR, am I just over complicating things?
Ps I posted this in the BB section cos I thought I'd get a better response than in the powerlifting section given the nature of the question
Options thus far are
- rear delt BB row (hands wider, torso parallel to floor)
- rear delt DB row
- rear delt fly w/bent arms
- upright row to external rotation (so the first part of a Cuban press)
- seated DB power cleans
- incline DB row/external rotation combo (row as far up as possible then use rotation to gain that little extra ROM)

Any replies would be much appreciated!
Your overcomplicating things.

Bent rows are almost the same movement except they use a far larger weight.
There are heaps of exercises you could do that would help shoulder health but not necessarily mimic facepulls. Frankly they're a rear delt exercise foremost and not really ideal for increasing shoulder health.
From the stuff you've suggested you clearly have some idea of what's involved.
There's a great video on YouTube from DieselCrew, called the YTWL rehab complex. Had and seen great results from it. Takes fuck all effort and you can get on with training shoulders awesomely.
For shoulder health, Id focus on bent over rear laterals, band pull aparts, scap push ups, rotator cuff internal/external rotations

for mass/strength id do like a pendlay row or db row
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCp-YynBEvE]YouTube - DieselCrew.com - Ultimate Two Minute Shoulder Warm-up[/ame]
I do a similar warm up except I hold each position for 10-20 seconds
If my u bar fits under my bench properly I'll do bench rows, otherwise I think the good old BB row will do me just fine
I think the majority of my problems stem from tight Lats anyway. Foam rolling them hurts like a mofo

Cheers Hashi. Think I might just go back to doing my 100 band pull aparts after every workout. Only takes a couple of minutes anyways
A mate who is much bigger/stronger reccomened I start doing some db reverse fly's with head supported on bench.This is at end of my session after heavy bench, military and dips.

Been doing them for 2 weeks, 3x15 with the aim of strengthening anterior delt. Will let you know how i go.
You sit down to piss right?

BBRows, in fact any form or rowing from the floor
Pullovers barbell of machine
Farmers walks
Dead lift

When you have been doing these littles gems consistently for 40 years you can do anything you like.
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Cheers silverback. Squats are a no no atm but the rest are can do

I think you mean strengthen the posterior deltoid
The act of squatting is far more important than how much you can.

Can you or have you tried squatting without weight, say 50 rep's?
Anything 2-3cm above parallel or below is uncomfortable under any load. That includes split squats as well. My deadlift is pretty much right at that point so it's not too bad
Anything 2-3cm above parallel or below is uncomfortable under any load. That includes split squats as well. My deadlift is pretty much right at that point so it's not too bad

Has the nature of the cause been identified?

You are telling us that 100mm of rom or so you cannot move?
At all?
I can move. It just hurts.

At this stage I've been diagnosed as having impingement in both hips due to tight back and hamstrings, and weak hamstrings and glutes. So stretching, foam rolling and good mornings are the order of the day for the time being.
Strong Enough (I think it was him) mentioned he knows of a physio that's a powerlifter as well, just waiting for a reply to a PM for the details. I figure a powerlifter would know more of my pain than a regular physio