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Strength & Conditioning for footballers

See, I take that view with everyone that actually listens to my advice, hence the success we have had at PL comps.

It would be almost impossible for them not to improve wouldn't it?

As for being young. At 19 I went from 70 odd kg to 80 odd in a year from nothing more than 3 meals per day and Army PT 5 days per week (mainly circuits, some pack marching, a fair bit of running). I wasn't even trying to gain and never ate past being satisfied. Add to that being drunk 3 nights of the week... I did have a thing for drinking 1L bottles of Breaka chocolate milk at the time, maybe that had something to do with it.

I'm sure age plays a big part in how fast you can get strong and how quick you recover (especially if my hang overs are anything to go by).

All this talk of food has got me hungry again...
Again, just trying to understand your method, that's all.

Don't you think I wish I could train at PTC 3,4,5 days a week? I can't so I have to make the most of my personal gym and what I learn on the forums, which is why I ask questions.

I'm confused. what has your weight gain got to do with making footballers stronger and fitter?

The age thing is a cop out. Ever wonder why Ange Galati has no teenage or Junior records?

He started lifting at 25. He has benched 262.5kg.

Gordon Santee was another who started very late
I was just trying to illustrate that it's easier to get stronger / gain weight / get fitter when you are younger. Not that you can't get strong or fit when you're old, it just takes longer.

Mainly because of recovery times.
There is a significant context that cannot be ignored regarding actual age and training age.

All the masters aged guys who start lifting here progress around the same rate as the guys in their teens. Both populations are equally unadapted. When I used to work in aged care rehab even the 90 year olds adapt to squatting at amazing rates, as long as they get spoon fed their jello and yoghurt.

Training frequency, training intensity and training volume are all under consideration in a training program. Its easy to go from training 3 times per week to 6 times per week if you bring down the volume of each training session a little..... obviously.

Its not old and young. Its weak and unadapted or strong and adapted. For the young, they just probably have a higher ceiling and less chronic injury to deal with.

There are so few strong people out there, worrying about over training and being too old comes from crappy training practices.
The mistake that most trainees make regardless of age is that when progression slows adding sets to an exercise rather than adding weight to the bar is what they do.

Markos and I would watch our dads come home from a hard days work and rest.

These days we work all day and go to gym to work out.
After some years of consistant working under the bar I firmly believe that Intensity of work is the key factor for stimulating change, if we train consistanly for a protracted time, our ability to maintain that intensity diminishes, this is were the term "less is more" becomes a very important aspect of weight training.
Spot on. On Friday the drill I set out for the boys took between 3-4 minutes.

In discussing this with the coach, he was surprised it would be so short. He mistook short for easy.

They were lying in a heap after completing it.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday it will be a cardio based complex, usually involving kettlebells or kegs, sometimes fat bars. It changes every session. We use taxing weights like 64kg KB's for UDL's or 16kg KB's for high rep thrusters etc

Tuesday/Thursday he does 3 x 5 on squat/bench/C&P/trap bar deads. On Saturday we mix up strength work. Last week he did heavy deads, this week it may be squats.

On Monday/Wed/Fri he usually does a complex before training at 4.30pm, trains with coach from 6.00-8.00pm then does another complex when he comes in.

The players HAVE to do the complex at least once, either before or after training. Some do it twice.

When I first started, players were avoiding it. Goosey put the foot down. Now they seek it out. The turnaround in attitude is amazing. Its not just Gooseys influence.

The Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday sessions are optional. I still get around 15 players doing these, which puts them at the club 6 days a week. Not even the coach is there that often. Remember ALL these guys work for a living, there are a few students.

as the start of the season nears, this training will change dramatically.

I only found out on Saturday that the previous strength coach was sacked a few weeks ago. I had seen him at training on the field when I first got there, I was wondering where he went.
I thought it would be something like that. How long do your complexes go for normally?

I know I can easily put in 15-20 minutes of all out DB snatches (16kg) or sprints etc 3 times a week, and lift 3-4 times a week. I do not do the running or footy training though but I consider that easy compared to 15 minutes of maximum DB Snatches.

I like the use of 3x5 nice volume management. The kid is going to be very strong and conditioned by the start of the season.
I suppose the longest one goes for about 15 minutes, but its very, very hard.

Cannonballs with a 64kg KB are not easy lol
I found out the previous guy was paid.

Plenty has happened in the past week, I wont mention it all.

Around 15-20 guys have been doing the extra strength sessions on Tue/Thur/Sat

The running coach wanted me to test the boys 1RM on the bench. I said it was stupid and pointless. We still have 100 guys, and only 9 rolled up for strength work on Thursday.

Anyway, Max and I tested the 1RM on the boys on Thursday, squat/bench/clean/press/deadlift

Best results were

squat 120kg
bench 110kg
clean 80kg
press 80kg
dead 190kg

We used the results t make adjustments to the program

squat 5 x 10
bench 2 x 8
C&P 3 x 3
Dead 3 x 5

New expected levels by April 2011

Players under 80kg

Squat 140kg
Bench 100kg
Clean 80kg
Press 80kg
Dead 180kg

Players over 80kg

Squat 160kg
Bench 120kg
Clean 100kg
Press 90kg
Dead 200kg

Most of the boys weigh around 84kg

Ben @ 84kg achieved all those best results

No player is allowed to attempt a 1RM until they have used the program for 4 weeks.

I will test another batch on Saturday and Tuesday.

Khan hasnt had a go yet, and Big Russel will also do extremely well.

The players can do the program at their own gym if they cant make it in 6 days a week, but the test is done at PTC.

I have told one player he cant lift at PTC, he doesnt listen, he can do his lifting elsewhere, I ripped him a new one in front of hs team mates on Wednesday.

He wasnt their tonight. I have the full backing of the coach.

This boy can approach me and ask if he can lift at PTC, I doubt he will.
with your coaching and guidance i can see them making those lifts.

is that a standing military press you want them to achieve? a bodyweight press in 5 months would be amazing.