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STFU i want guns...

Reducing bodyfat will reveal vascularity and striations to give the illusion of big guns.

Christian as your friend I have to tell you that this and genetics are your biggest issue. You carry 20%+ bodyfat, in comparison to the rest of you your arms will never seem huge.

Apart from that I think that if you really want to bring them up you need to bench and press more than you are now - think about it, the prime mover of the arms are the triceps and the triceps make up 2/3rds of your arm musculature. A 220kg bench press with 14" arms simply isn't going to happen.

I know people here say you need arm work but really you've thrown everything and the kitchen sink at them. If it were true they would have exploded by now, not to mention most exercises you can do for your triceps besides dips and presses are an awesome way to get tendinitis.

I think you need to get back to basics with your program and maybe introduce a day or two of kettlebell work for conditioning.

Also i think your diet/celltech cycle has issues. I know you're not on the real heavy stuff for a while and you also need to make sure you get 2g of protein per pound of BW (steroids = > protein synthases).

1) Get your bodyfat around 8-10%
2) Bring your bench/press up as high as possible
3) Start a heavier cycle and make sure your diet is feeding it
I'm bent rowing 100kg now 3x10..
That's more then my bench I thought that would if equaled some sort of
Bicep mass.

I'm also benching twice week wide 3x12. And then my ppp cycle and also cgbp once week.
Man everyones biomechanics and ergonomics are different, that's why some people will get good arm growth from rows etc and some won't. Add in physiological and biochemical individualities, as well as perception (what is 'big'?) and you're simply going to need to find what works for you.
Having said that, the obvious next move is to do whatever you havent been doing. When I stopped doing direct arm work my arms got smaller but my bench and row has steadily gone up anyway - ie. There is no set in stone rule that says a big bench or row or DL will equal big arms, or the other way round. Bodybuilders case in point.
From personal experience, you can't beat benching big for building big tri's. Weighted dips don't hurt either.

I barely do bi's once a fortnight and although I have no peak I still have decent mass in my arms. Pullups are the shiznit for that.
I'm bent rowing 100kg now 3x10..
That's more then my bench I thought that would if equaled some sort of
Bicep mass.

I'm also benching twice week wide 3x12. And then my ppp cycle and also cgbp once week.
That answers that, all you need now is time.

Also, if you have 15" arms at 20+BF% I don't recommend dieting down at all (Not that you would) because you will end up with 14's no matter how lean they are now, muscle loss will rape you during the dieting phase.
I'm bent rowing 100kg now 3x10..
That's more then my bench I thought that would if equaled some sort of
Bicep mass.

I'm also benching twice week wide 3x12. And then my ppp cycle and also cgbp once week.

Bicep mass is 1/3rd of your arm mass. Its kind of like asking why your mother's corolla looks gay even though you put mags on it.

Your still benching 140, try getting to 180.

No matter what he's not going to come in as a 100kg behemoth. Being 8-10% and 80-90kg (where he'll probably end up) looks way more impressive than anything 20%+. Also if he diets right and keeps the strength work up I can't see why he can't gain mass whilst he's cutting.
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To illustrate my point this is one of zyzz's friends supaturk (in b4 accusations of small legs etc from guys with 20%+). His arms are 16" which isnt huge by any standards and an inch bigger than yours Christian. Difference is he's 8-10% bodyfat so they simply appear bigger in proportion to everything else.


I bet he trains arms directly too.
His bicep is quite long, not much space between the elbow.
Less than two fingers between the end of the muscle and elbow is not common.
I have to admit that I do t really train bi's that frequency.. On e a weak if I can be bothered but bi training gives me wrist and forearm pain. When I out the bar don't I have to hold onto it and slowly release other wise I get this pain in my forearms it's weird..

I do cgbp and Alot of dips. Things will be improving soon and going to start doing slot of chins when I buy a power band.
i dieted from 14 to 9% god damn it was hard. I don't know how 20% is going to go on your sanity.

Plus your going to lose strength on the cut so that 250 Deadlift of yours isnt going to be the same.