As And the Ugly said, frequency is key IMO, with biceps being such a small muscle i honestly dont believe that you need to dedicate 3-5 exercises on them alone to get them to grow. How many lifters actually throw in some bicep work at the end of EVERY session? I never used to but i have since doing the PTC beginner program and within a few months the biceps have come along nicely. I only alternate between BB curls and dumbell hammer from session to session just to mix things up but only ever the one exercise and i still get fairly tender biceps the next day, IMO no need t waste half an hour of precious compound lifting time to do a crapload of bicep work, remember you only have to stimulate the muscle nothing more, doing BB curls, DB curls, hammer curls and Alt curls etc. in one session is like doing squats, leg press, leg curls etc. all in one session when we all know that the squats done properly is more than enough for the average lifter.