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Steroids killing young men.

Yeah I know - it's not been on sale for over a year now though. Same with anything containing DMAA. Aussie supplement companies can't even sell caffeinated pre workouts anymore.
I think its the same as most drugs, abuse to fuck and yeh not gona be healthi, moderation is ok. Think how many millions of gear users world wide there are, maybe there are no studies as we arnt dieing off like smokers or alcoholics.. There isnt enough bad data to justify the studies.. Just a thought..
Yes the odd death doss ocur, but honestly how many steroid users do you personaly know who have wound up dead? Ive known alot of users, worst ive seen was a guy who wound up with kidney failure, but he really did have a pre existing condition. Apart from that not known anyone to hve serious health issues. Anyone?
[MENTION=16903]Genics[/MENTION]; I think Lee Priest was saying something very similar in a recent interview, you go into the emergency ward of most major hospitals on a weekend and there a beds full of people for alcohol abuse and alcohol fuelled violence as well as smoking and related disease, yet show me the beds which are filled with steroid abusers????

And I think you are right it is the ones who abuse it or have pre existing conditions which generally get this issues, hence why so many bodybuilders end up with heart conditions or kidney failures, but there still isn't enough research done on "normal" or "Safe" or "recommended" use of various AAS.
I know this is a weak argumeng, but i would take steroids as my vice over alcohol or ciggaretes any day of the fucking week!

No that doesnt make them food for you, but could be doing alot worse to
tren will fuck you up in the long term
really the only steroids I would run long term are test, nandrolone, boldenone
maybe masteron depending on lipids
Could always make them legal, let Dr prescribe them with proper planning and monitoring etc. Then people wouldn't have to rely on the interwebs for dodgy mix of information from people they don't know and be getting their gear from possibly questionable sources.

This goes for all drugs though. Crazy idea I know...
Reality is most dr's know very little about steroids. Be nice to be able to go down the chemist and walk out with 100 amps of primoteston!
They're unlikely to learn more about something that is banned for the same reason they know very little about the effects of making soup from dirt off the surface of mars. You can't learn from/about something you can't study.
reality is most doctors know very little about anything except prescribing penicilin and handing out medical certificates to get off work...