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Steroids and strength gain

Well I didn't suggest that he took steroids just that he has proven he has good training
I made this pretty clear
I only removed because he did squat 325kg a year later after I saw him squat 185kg, without wraps.

I am amazed.

Still I wish we could stick to thread, drug, dose and strength improvement. I don't give a rat's ass about what is needed to look big.
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As i said before using any of the big androgens you are going to see big stregth increases. The cycle you went on of a 100mg deca is tiny and when you add in the half life..

If you had run halo oxy or tren i think you would of been surprised. Go ask any strength athlete on any board and they will tell you how strong these drugs make you, or why would they use them?

Yes when i ran halo i was in a rebound phase how ever the acceleration in those gains was amazing. I certainly wasnt adding 10kg a session before that even though i was making good progress
cycles I went on (late 1980s and early 1990s) ranged from 100mg deca up to 500mg test/200mg nandrolone.

My best gain strength mid-range dose. 125 each/test-nandrolone or similar.
As people seem to be forgetting, I'll repeat it again
Yeah androgens will give you a strength increase pretty fast. But "real" strength gains are always relative to increases in muscle mass
But you can still get to equal levels of strength naturally. I've said this maybe eleventy billion times now

500/200 is a good cycle spartacus, I know several people that say this is their "sweet spot"
Oni, I did not notice much strength increase on 500/200 test/deca than say 125 of each. I only did the bigger cycle once, but do you have any reason why I did not see further strength gain.

Did weigh more, then up to 105kg about 20%+ fat though.
Oni, I did not notice much strength increase on 500/200 test/deca than say 125 of each. I only did the bigger cycle once, but do you have any reason why I did not see further strength gain.

Did weigh more, then up to 105kg about 20%+ fat though.

Could be anything really. Sometimes you just have stalls in your training. Drugs won't fix this it's just a course of life
could be true, but two of Aust's best ever powerlifters told me they got 15%. Two of the biggest names.

I will differ and say that women and people with low test levels will get most benefit.

As you suggest though, it is hard to know for everyone.
lmao yeah sure, 400kg deadlifts just happen everywhere, despite no-one in Australia having lifted more than 380kg as far as I can tell and that was equipped

Raw, drug free lifting is still the small time
Take a look at the equipped numbers, real equipped not multi ply balonie
Oni, I think more than 10 people in non IPF raw feds have deadlifted 400kg or more, could be more.

WR is 455kg, world IPF record is 375kg.

I will list them as they come to mind.

Ed Coan.




Manuell Aust

Benedikt Magnusson

Andy Bolton

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yeah man, 10 people
so common place I'm even thinking of killing myself right now I'm that embarrassed

raw, drug free lifting is the small time. no one gives a fuck about it. All the biggest meets are either single ply or not drug tested. There is IPF raw worlds and that's it for drug tested raw. No decent cash meets. You're barking up the wrong tree looking at the difference as I mentioned previously. You're better off looking at gym PBs of weightlifters and looking at the difference done in competition and even then, you're simply making assumptions. There is simply no way you can accurately depict how much steroids give and in doing so you're doing nothing more than justifying your own failures
Oni, this is sport, only fair way to compare is competitions.

Fact is that only two people in IPF did over 350kg raw deadlifts in world champs. Even in suited world champs IPF, only four lifters lifted more than 350kg deadlift.

Fact is that quite a few did 400kg raw deadlift or more in major comps in non-tested feds in 2013. Most that I listed did 400kg this year.




Manuell Aust

Benedikt Magnusson

I rest my case.

BTW Oni, the IPF is the most prestigious powerlifting fed in the world, no contest. I am sure if many of the greats were not banned, they would be competing in it. What do you reckon?
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"the IPF is the most prestigious powerlifting fed in the world, no contest."

you're focusing on all the wrong details, but whatever
Maybe you need to look at a sport that people actually give a fuck about, not some dumbass fringe sport that doesn't even get a spot on ESPN, let alone real TV