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[Article] Steroid diet


Hey I'm just wondering a few things. While taking steroids I assume you can get away with eating allot more without putting on as much fat
A. Hormones are through the roof
B. Protein synthesis is allot quicker

My question is how much over should you be eating before your wasting it. I know rule of thumb is about 500 calories when not on juice but I think that's too small considering.

Yesterday I ate 4 big meals and drank 2 liters of milk in between a few meals. Was full the whole day and just kept shoveling it in. I don't seem to be gaining excess fat which made me curious enough to ask.
Only you can yell how your body functions.. Better to over eat then undereat in your situation.
You never know mate - everyone is different - some ppl can handle more cals some ppl cant on the juice or not on the juice.

If your someone that normally has a high cal intake off the juice and can handle it then push it up as high as possible, if your someone who seems to gain extra weight (fat) easy then still watch cals while on - add the cals more slowly to see how your body reacts.

Ive known ppl on who eat 10,000 cals + while on and some ppl who eat 3-5,000....depends on the person and how your body reacts to cals and diff foods.
Yeah. What's your cycle?

The ammount on nutrients your able to take in as previously discussed is a 'case by case' matter. It would also depend on the actual usage. Being on 500g of Test E would have a different (though not greatly different) effect than 1.2g. If you were to add in different compounds that would change things even more.

Sounds like a bit of trime for trial & error.

If hes taking 1.2g he better look like Ronnie lol
Test p for the first few weeks waiting for my test e to kick in.
1ml of test p every two days until I'm out 100mg
2ml of test e once a week for ten weeks 400mg
Arimidex every 3 odd days
I'll use nolva and hcg for pct

After that I'm doing a bridging cycle which will be 25mg of anavar (maybe dbol) a day while doing an aggressive pct. Once done I will start a 6 week test p cycle then another aggressive pct.

Then I will go onto my trt responsibly and try to keep my gains.

Training wise I'm actually doing pct's beginner program for a few weeks to get my lifts back to what they were. Then I'll go into a four day split.

Diet I'm going to eat a shitload and see what happens. The anavar bridging cycle will be sure to cut away allot of fat anyway.
I'm only using a real light dossage of anavar or maybe dbol as suggested so I can recover whilst still keeping maximum amount of gains.

Also as far as the 3 days go I've been reading lot of steroid forums to which most of them say one shot a week is fine. Ceffo suggested during my last cycle e3d and I found my skin getting tough in areas from injecting too much. I started rotating left shoulder, right shoulder, left left, right led, left arse the right arse. Thought about doing it like that again will see how it pans out and see if I'm crashing at the end of the week from weekly injections. I mean it's active for awhile being a long watered steroid.

Is there something I don't know I'm missing?

I'm hormonally challenged... Just a decision I made that I'm very happy with. I won't do it forever (well I will but trt). I don't have the ability to $&@! up my natural hormones so I may as well enjoy one of the only benefits of my situation.

I don't see it as hurting no one. My family know I do it and are fine with it. My friends know I do it. Even everyone at my workplace knows. I'm very open and honest with people.
How bad are your hormone levels? Did you grow bitch tits and cry during girl movies? Hahaha
Gauche - With bridging your not really in PCT. Try and just use hcg with nolva to let your test levels normalize along with estrogen. I'm not a big fan of bridging as your still in fact on gear even if its small amounts of anavar./oral gear

About your cycle
Preloading with prop is a good idea to kick start a 12 week cycle.

Cycling your injection points
So did u feel better in terms of doing the 4 point rotation? Doing ass cheeks alone will leave abcess tissues damage. I did this mistKe during my first 2 cycles especially on prop/deca 100 its starts to hurt
I remember my first cycle many years ago test e and Equipoise. 500mg each week. Put on 16kg over 12 weeks looked like the michilen man all puffed and shit. Was eating 1.5-2kgd a day of meat. Shoulder pressing 48kgs dumbells for reps.

Oh memories LOL

The idea of using anavar or dbol for the bridge is your hormones can bounce back as studies have shown dbol to only have about a 20% decrease on your natural hormones and anavar is even safer. The bridge is more to give my body a rest and not recover my hormones as there isn't much to recover and I'll be on TRT at the end anyway.

I would never do deca again. It just completely shuts you off. I'm going to stick to the test based oils. Maybe try some tren a with test p one day.

I understand about the injection points but I think with one injection a week will be able to rotate two areas ok without much scar tissue.

Leachy my test was 12 while I was marathon/football read and doing weight sessions four times a week. I was nearly ripped but couldn't get rid of my last bit of fat. After my test my doctor said I was JUST in range and didn't do anything about. This angered me considering my fitness level and training.... Imagine if I was lazy... My test would have been half of that.

I ended up doing a cycle of deca and test e and the deca shut me off completely that my hormones didn't bounce back. I eventually referred to a specialist and was prescribed hcg. I could train while I was doing my hcg cycle due to a back injury and I only recovered to 5.8. So I'm now on trt but before I start that I'm doing a good test cycle. I believe my hormones would have recovered better if I wasn't laying around on my arse eating all the time but I would never get over 12 at best which is dick all in the scheme of things.