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Starting out


Registered Rustler
If you ever got the chance to start over again from fresh, how would you train and what would you change knowing what you know now?

I'd do:

Squats - Starting with bar, doing as many triples as I can and adding 2.5kg a session
Pull-ups - lots

Incline bench - sets of 5 starting with bar and adding 2.5kg a session
Rows - 6x12

RDL - 6x12

Incline bench



The thing I fucked up the most was not starting light. This was recommended by everyone but for some reason I didn't listen and neither do 99% of beginners. I'd also only do squats at first and stick with incline and upper back work as I found learning all these lifts at the same time so fucking difficult so I'd learn one at a time. Incline is easy because you can just press that shit and not worry so much about set-up. I'd also stick with the same routine and never visit the internet so that I wouldn't even realise overtraining existed and wouldn't read articles on geared lifting and somehow think that's how everyone should train / lift. Lastly I'd do a lot more hypertrophy work. I read a lot into this "1-5 reps for strength, 6-12 for hypertrophy" bullshit and neglected building a muscular base to increase my strength ceiling for a long time
inb4 Sticky comes in and says "nothing"
That lucky, lucky bastard
I would buy:
- Starting Strength
- 5/3/1
- Alan Aragon's 'Girth Control'

Read them all 10 times and do it and never listen to anything on a forum ever again.
For fucks sake Oni, you're fucking 22 years old and you talk like you've just wasted 40 years of a training life.
Get your head out of your arse and do what you think you should've done.
according to onis training experience hes been training since he was 2 (at a minimum)
For fucks sake Oni, you're fucking 22 years old and you talk like you've just wasted 40 years of a training life.
Get your head out of your arse and do what you think you should've done.

Pretty good advice. You are still young unlike this old fart ^^^^^
I was going to say nothing Oni, but then thought a little harder.

I wish I got a coach earlier rather than following forum advice in regards to PL.

It took me close to 12 months to get a coach. When I did, I improved heaps.
Even just another set of eyes is invaluable.

That said, I had a pretty good start thanks to Markos, and I can only keep buliding.

here is my first online log post just for the lols, weighed 69kg at the time

On second thought, reading the routine he listed, he must be taking the piss.

What's wrong with the routine?
I'm going to drop a big bomb on you when you give the answer, so think before you type it out