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Liking the keto diet, eating alot of tuna, kangaroo sausages, bacon,almonds, peanut butter, eggs. Did a wicked cardio session before sprints, boxing and skipping fuckin exhausted, atleast im getting rid of my man boobs haha.
u can still make strength gains on keto but its different with everybody.
I have guys at the gym who didnt and then some who still pushed new numbers while on keto. Some people are just made for these diets (yes there is a reason behind it)
most people on keto make the mistake of nont eat enough fats to make up the calories.
If your on a 2000 calorie diet.
800 calories of protien/200cal carbs/1000 cal fats
Just down those fish oil tabs like it was going out of fashion. I used to down 25 a day.
go out and buy yourself ketone sticks from a pharmacy. to measure of your in ketosis before carbing up.
Yeah if u have a increase in the fat calories for a claire surplus then it will be stored as fat. Through Acylation Stimulating Protein (ASP) look it up.
But im not sure why people would be running this kind of diet for weight gain as its a slow as hell.
Creatine - Stores water so theres no reason u cant be on it. You should be drinking alot of water while on keto to keep the kidneys healthy. Just be prepared to not see your weight drop and look bloated. U will piss alot of this out later on so its not a big deal.