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Sexy time

How many times a week is normal/avg in a healthy relationship

  • 1-2

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • 2-3

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • 5-8

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • 10 +

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
wow 2-3 times a day??? impressive.

And awwww to if you have a gf you save it all for her! Adorable.

I noted the subtle dig and chose to ignore it lol
If I've got the place to myself and no gf, 2-3 times per day.

If I've got a gf, I save it all for her.

If I don't have a gf and don't have the place to myself, well, I usually just go without.
I wouldn't be able to DIY job it 3 times a day for too long. At nights l might go before l goto bed then if i cant sleep have another go at it. I struggle to go without though... I legit tried a few months ago and lasted 3 days. Guess that shows my mental toughness :|

Lol at the subtle dig at the female gender

I did try and make it subtle but l couldn't help myself... Not in the best state of mind about the female variety at the moment.
Once a night, unless I go out, then i;m usually tired and just want sleep when I get home lol.

But if I have the place to myself, I can a few times a day for a few days too.

sometimes find it hard to finish, sometimes I just want to got to bed so I only want to spend 10mins, but sometimes it takes 40-50mins which is just annoying..

tips - ive heard sitting on your hand so it becomes numb and then beating the bishop feels like someone else is doing it (no i havent tried it). I learnt this in grade 8 from some guy who put his dick in a vacuum cleaner (he was a sick kid, quite messed up).
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KungFooGoo, sounds like a mini porn break may be a good idea?

5-7 times a week? Well done! lol

And here I was thinking I was the only one with a PHD in self pleasure

You know PHD actually stands for Pretty Huge Dick

you boys are hilarious.

nice acronym butchery jchen lol It does work though

KungFooGoo I kinda got that you weren't in the best mental space about women right now. We all have those moments about the opposite sex. All I can offer is the age old wisdom that 'it will get better', 'this too shall pass', and 'harden the f*ck up'?

All phrases of advice my friends have used on me at some time or another and each and every one of them I wanted to punch in the head lol

Adrian440 - it sometimes takes 40-50 minutes? Really? wowser.

I can go from cooking dinner, to orgasm in 30 seconds or less if I really want to lol And whilst I enjoy porn, I don't need it or rely on it to get me off. I think once you start becoming dependant on external stimuli, it can get harder to finish on your own? I don't know, but thats true for male friends of mine who've had the same complaint?

You boys need to go about this task more sensually I'm thinking? Although listen, I know women are different creatures and not all of us are the same either....

But great topic, it's provided lots of giggles boys

Buddy, I too have heard about the old give your hands pins and needles trick and then it feels like someone else is doing it? Sounds bizarre. lol I wonder if it really does?

Pleasure, comes so rarely in life. I'm supportive and an advocate of self pleasure, if only for this reason alone.

I am a highly sexed girl. I do have many female friends who profess to never have experienced an orgasm, ever. And these are also the same women who look at me like I'm a lunatic when I ask them if they masturbate often. They think it's 'icky' or not 'right' to touch themselves? Well it's no wonder they've never had an orgasm! You have to know your body and what you like, if you're going to ever expect anyone else to trek that terrain, in the hopes of giving you an orgasm? lol

Darkoz, it was well played. But I am just me. Nothing special, a work in progress and as I responded to Pete at the time - no, he is not Joel's brother. lol So no point in pictures being posted Although am happy to do so.

Thanks for the laughs gentlemen - seems alot of you are very highly sexed also, which, quite frankly, is a relief

i am known as the sex god/expert on here just so you know
Wtf is up with you rabbits

Any more than once a week I start to get bored lol (neglecting first meeting a girl - then I'm normally ok with once every 72 hours lol)

Hamburgler??? once a week????? OMG *faints* lololol

See? That's different libido's for you.

My problem is, that sex...never gets boring. Not ever. Not even when you know you've had enough and you probably should rest up. Nope. Go again. And I have found, that it's precisely at the times you think "oh god...I don't know if I can do this again" that SHAZAM! BEST.SEX.EVER! lol

But good sex, is about the chemistry between two people. The connection, the chemistry and attraction, on every level. If that's all right....then woaahhhhh HOUSTON, WE HAVE NO PROBLEM
Am on holidays at the moment, I work out at 5am - so clearly I have some time on my hands during the day! lolol


Incidentally, 4 orgasms before you get out of bed at 4.30am - is THE single most fantastic way to start the day! Train for 1.5 hours, run/walk 45 minutes home and come onto the boards - the girl is WIRED! lol

I am convinced, sadly, that there isn't a man on the planet who can keep up with me

But....I live in hope!