Von, whatever your self interest in this matter the fact remains, guns in the hands of the deranged or those who would use them (guns) for purposes we just recently saw and have continually seen in the U.S. has to be stopped. If you don't agree with that or are just trying to circle jerk then you are not worth the effort of even replying too. Merry Xmas to you and yours.
I think you are missing the point people are trying to make, and yet you mention it in your reply.
Who said we should give guns to deranged people??
We are simply saying there are no good and no bad guns, and that it is an issue with the people and the management of their mental health NOT the guns.
Guns have not made these people deranged, society and other factors have done this. So changing gun laws will do nothing to address the issue at hand that is causing the problem just like putting a band aid on skin cancer will do nothing to cure the cancer.
Not sure why this is so difficult to understand??
Most so called massacres are carried out by people who have either used guns they have illegally obtained or illegally owned, so how will laws change that, as the laws are already there, yet these massacres still happened, so will banning things twice work??
I mean shooting people is already against the law, so now we have an extra law that says well sorry you can't have guns, so now the person that wants to shoot people will say to himself, 'self, well I was going to kill 20 people with my illegal fire arm but since now they have banned guns I won't be doing it, I will head up to the police station and hand my gun in instead' or do you think this person will go on and obtain the guns anyway even though the law says he can not have them??
Changing gun laws will only affect people that follow the law, it's unlikely that drug dealers, robbers, criminals and murderers will now curb their activity hand their guns in at the local police station before heading to Centrelink to look for a job.
We need the REAL ISSUE causing these incidents addressed, not band aid solutions that will do nothing to address the real problem.
Look at the chronology of posts. My original post, then your original opposition reply and then finally your agreeance (on gun control being needed).That's not where the guns come from, and that is my point, no law abiding gun owner will 'lend' you a gun. Guns are securely stored in an expensive gun safe, which is bolted to the floor as well as the structural part of a wall with a minimum of 4 x 12mm anchor bolts, securing it to floor and wall, with all ammunition stored in a separate locked compartment with a separate key.
All firearms are registered and you must on a yearly basis prove to the Government that you still have a genuine need to own the said gun.
This is in Australia (NSW anyway).
The firearms used in MOST (not all) of these incidents are illegally owned and obtained, They are bought down the pub, or in back alleys sold by criminals, and not that hard to obtain in most capital cities around Australia.
I have LEGALLY owned guns since I was 14 years old, which is 30 years now, I have been a recreational hunter most of my life. I used to own several semiautomatic guns that I had to hand in to police when the laws changed, so I did (I bet no criminals did).
I agree with safe storage and strict rules for gun ownership, I believe there should be mandatory reporting for doctors, where if anyone suffers from depression, mental illness of any kind, has committed violent crime at any time or appears unstable in any way, they should not be able to own firearms, no if's no but's and no may be's. (this will not stop them obtaining them illegally, but it will at least some what address the issue gun control nazis harp on about, and stop legally owned guns from being used in these incidents)
Not every person should be able to own firearms, and I am also a firm believer that not every person should be able to hold a drivers license, it should be much harder to get a drivers license.
So I guess in some way I agree with gun control, but normal, stable, level headed individuals who have completed the required training should be able to own what ever gun they require for their chosen sport or work.
Its good you finally agree with the point the majority of the rest of the world has been stating for the past few days, even if it took all day and one big circle jerk to come to it.
This is exactly what has been going on in the U.S. Congress has been circle jerking based on guns owners self interests, meanwhile hundreds of innocent people have died due to the ease of gun availability to people who would harm innocents.
Congratulations to Darkoz and Joe for your persistence in arguing on behalf of the best interests of society and innocents who may be slain in future killings. Did Stevematic really post an article from a gun and hunting magazine, an article obviously based on the self interests of gun owners and gun retailers .......... fuck me ........ meanwhile more innocent people will probably die due to the ease of guns getting into the hands of those who would cause harm.
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