Hey people,
So i have decided that of a Saturday when myself and a few friends can all get together at the same time to have a bit of a challenge day. Looking for some suggestions as to some fun exercises/challenges to attempt.
Some examples ive thought of are things like:
1/2 bodyweight strict military press with pause on chest for as many reps as possible. Most reps wins.
Bodyweight squats for most reps.
Dead hang wide grips for most reps.
Biggest 1rm for deads,squats,bench with bodyweight to weight ratio determining winner.
So yeah looking for things like that, even a timed circuit type thing with farmers walks etc. Throw some ideas forward.
So i have decided that of a Saturday when myself and a few friends can all get together at the same time to have a bit of a challenge day. Looking for some suggestions as to some fun exercises/challenges to attempt.
Some examples ive thought of are things like:
1/2 bodyweight strict military press with pause on chest for as many reps as possible. Most reps wins.
Bodyweight squats for most reps.
Dead hang wide grips for most reps.
Biggest 1rm for deads,squats,bench with bodyweight to weight ratio determining winner.
So yeah looking for things like that, even a timed circuit type thing with farmers walks etc. Throw some ideas forward.
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