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Foley had a so-so game. A couple of shanked kicks and two crucial dropped balls didn't help. But he got the conversion that counted. Beale went ok, but also turned over possession with his first touch.
Our lineouts and scrum weren't good enough IMO
Again not a good performance from Aus - BUT - a win - South Africa were the better side but just the luck of the draw - Aus had 5 mins of good flowing rugby at the end and South Africa needed to kick the ball out.

Foley had a "better" game than Beale has the last couple - Foley is currently the man for the job - but Aus rugby is in desperate need of a world class 5/8 - where are you? haha

I still get the feeling that teams sometimes play to the Wallabies level - I got that feeling last night with South Africa - you feel that could of but 20 points on Aus but they start to play at there level....

Of course a win is a win - but the Wallabies didnt "win" that game they were lucky - I cant remember the last time they really destroyed a team and "won" the game in all aspects....
dont be so negative they looked better than they did! dont think the win was luck, few errors cost them trys but multiple times they looked like scoring.
[MENTION=3034]Rugby88[/MENTION]; heres a question, in league when its 5th tackle..a bomb is often put up onto the try line and quite a few try's come from this tatic. why is it never ever done in union?
because it could result in a try, most of the time it gets turned over, or knocked on or penalized. bet the odds would actually favour kicking high
@Rugby88 ; heres a question, in league when its 5th tackle..a bomb is often put up onto the try line and quite a few try's come from this tatic. why is it never ever done in union?

Aim of the game in union is all about field position and retaining position aslong as possible when your there - yea of course the bombs could work in Union and prob not used enough sometimes - but for me I would never kick on the try line unless you could see they were short numbers on the wing, or the ref was playing advantage - I would be looking for the try through retained position (higher change of getting a try through this) or looking for a penalty to come to get the 3 points.

I am old school and all about tactics, slowing the game down, playing in the forwards etc....so prob not the best person to ask haha
Saw an interesting state.. In the first two weeks of the aussie comp there have been 69 tries scored and only 3 penalties...
They dropped the penalty to 2 points or something yeah?

They've fucked that comp from the start, every game should be on TV or streamed.
hopefully teaches aus how to score trys for the future.

3 points for a penality was for rugby back in the day..in this day and age with all the rules the ref barely has the whistle out of his gob. no way should be 3 points for a penalty.

penaltys have such a big impact on the game and half of them are shown to be total bullshit once you see a replay. shouldnt be that way
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They dropped the penalty to 2 points or something yeah?

They've fucked that comp from the start, every game should be on TV or streamed.

I think they are doing a "good" job with the comp and crowd numbers have been pretty good - I have been to every Vikings game and they have been great and at a really high level of Rugby.

I do agree though as a long term thing they need to strike a deal to play at least 1 game on Free to air a week - honestly even if it wasn't live or even on ABC at 3pm like the Shute Shield - I am sure Channel 10 could come to some agreement to play at least 1 game. Yes Foxtel are allowing the comp to be viable this year but down the track if people are not getting to view the game/s then they are not going to be invested and not going to want to buy merchandise, buy season tickets etc etc - which LONGTERM hurts the comp and makes it hard for Foxtel to keep investing their money - its abit of chicken and the egg situation.

Saw an interesting state.. In the first two weeks of the aussie comp there have been 69 tries scored and only 3 penalties...

I like this rule from a comp level - from all the games I have seen I have not seen 1 penalty at goal taken - which helps with the flow of the game.