Reg Park’s Beginner’s routine below was the exact one used by Arnold in his late teens to get huge! Like Park, he trained at this routine 3 times a week and it comprised mainly of heavy compound movements done with the “5×5″ protocol. But unlike the more popular 5×5 we see in Bill Starr’s routine, Park (like Mark Rippetoe today!) advocated that sets 1 and 2 are to be warmups for sets 3,4 and 5. In other words once you hit your max weight for five reps after two warmups, then crank out 3 sets of 5. For example, say your bench press is a max of 225lbs for 5 reps (which is about 90% of 1RM), the first set would be at 60% – 135 lbs, then the next warmup set could be 80% – 185lbs.
Reg Park’s Beginner’s Routine
Workout A:
Back Squats 5×5
Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups 5×5
Dips or Bench Press 5×5
Barbell Curls 2×10
Wrist Work 2×10
Calves 2×15-20
Workout B:
Front Squats 5×5
Rows 5×5
Standing Press 5×5
Deadlifts 3×5 (2 warm-up sets and 1 “stabilizer set”)
Wrist Work 2×10
Calves 2×15-20
Training Schedule:
Week 1: A, B, A
Week 2: B, A, B
Week 3: A, B, A and so forth.
Reg Park was the second man and the first bodybuilder in the world to bench press 500 lbs.! At the 1957 Pro Mr. USA Reg Park bench pressed over 500 lbs. in street clothes!
His best lifts:
Bench Press with 500 lbs.
Dumbbell Bench Press with two 185 lb. dumbbells for five reps.
Behind the Neck Press with 300 Lbs.
Standing Dumbbell Press with two 140 Lb. dumbbells.
One Arm Dumbbell Press with 165 lbs. for two reps.
Incline Dumbbell Press with two 185 lb. dumbbells for five reps.
Lying Triceps Extension with 300 lbs. for three reps.
Strict Barbell Curl with 200 lbs.
Squat with 605 lbs. for two reps.
Front Squat with 405 lbs.
Reg Park’s Beginner’s Routine
Workout A:
Back Squats 5×5
Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups 5×5
Dips or Bench Press 5×5
Barbell Curls 2×10
Wrist Work 2×10
Calves 2×15-20
Workout B:
Front Squats 5×5
Rows 5×5
Standing Press 5×5
Deadlifts 3×5 (2 warm-up sets and 1 “stabilizer set”)
Wrist Work 2×10
Calves 2×15-20
Training Schedule:
Week 1: A, B, A
Week 2: B, A, B
Week 3: A, B, A and so forth.
Reg Park was the second man and the first bodybuilder in the world to bench press 500 lbs.! At the 1957 Pro Mr. USA Reg Park bench pressed over 500 lbs. in street clothes!
His best lifts:
Bench Press with 500 lbs.
Dumbbell Bench Press with two 185 lb. dumbbells for five reps.
Behind the Neck Press with 300 Lbs.
Standing Dumbbell Press with two 140 Lb. dumbbells.
One Arm Dumbbell Press with 165 lbs. for two reps.
Incline Dumbbell Press with two 185 lb. dumbbells for five reps.
Lying Triceps Extension with 300 lbs. for three reps.
Strict Barbell Curl with 200 lbs.
Squat with 605 lbs. for two reps.
Front Squat with 405 lbs.