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Quick Question macros?

Get rid of that "personal trainer" ASAP ..... What terrible advice.... Everything the guys have said is spot on....
Nutrient timing is irrelevant but I'm not gonna open that can of worms

Not really.
Is 1 meal a day good for bulking?
Is 8 meals a day good for cutting when you're eating 1500kcal a day?

Resistance training makes type 2 diabetics literally non-diabetic for an hour afterwards. Their insulin sensitivity is that good and studies show up to 400g of carbohydrate will be stored as glycogen before and single gram is converted into fat for storage even in non-diabetics

How can you say nutrient timing is irrelevant?
Meals are completely up to the individual. ..
The post WO window is more like 24 hours though if not more
So yeah its pretty much irrelevant unless op is a diabetic having 700g of carbs a day
That's an interesting point though about weights and diabetics, I did not know that, though I'll maintain in first price anything to do with a general person with no real medical conditions
Meals are completely up to the individual. ..
The post WO window is more like 24 hours though if not more

nah. [MENTION=8399]0ni[/MENTION]; posted Alan Aragon research last year that showed the Postworkout window is like 3-4 hours.
But Alan and the 3dmj will all also say that there are gonna be overriding factors such as sleep, stress, work, programs that are gonna have a bigger impact than how quick and how often you eat.. like I said it's really up to the individual, it's what they find best and easiest to adhere too..
You can find research to back up pretty much anything now days.. I don't really want to get stick in an argument though so I'll leave it there
nah. @0ni ; posted Alan Aragon research last year that showed the Postworkout window is like 3-4 hours.

Pfft..so called 'experts'. Everyone knows that's rubbish. The anabolic window lasts about 20 minutes post workout....get your aminos and protein/carb shake in in that time or you're actually gonna' lose muscle, catch aids, and you might as well walk into traffic. It's science.
there are guys who do well with not that much science towards diet.

This is what I knew of Sonny schmidt, top 6 in Olympia, as confirmed by Tony Doherty.

Let me answer this one Shawn as I lived, travelled and trained with Sonny for many years.

Sonny would only eat 3 times a day, sometimes only 2. That included his diet phase as well.

He would eat eggs and a massive serve of rice for breakfast, then maybe steak and rice for lunch and maybe tuna and salad for dinner.

Off season he would eat 3 times a day but the quantities were frightening.

I watched him grow huge on very high carbs, low fat and medium protein. Everything about him defied logic. In the early days when money was tight it was about 90% rice and 10% tuna.

Any Sonny questions, feel free to ask.

Tony Doherty

Can you bulk eating one meal a day?
Nutrient timing is important
Lol yeah man probably, I love chocolate

But seriously I only eat 1 main meal a day, I haven't could Ted for ages but I have about 500 during day and ~2500 between say 5-7pm

I currently need to lose a bit a weight too but that's mostly from Xmas. . And I usually stay around a set weight

Each to their own but, I know guys who have off season bulk on 1 meal, a brick layer I know has about 4500 in the space of an hour or 2
Hey guys,

Sacked this PT and got a new one and some new programs, apparantley from trying to hit these macros my metabolic rate has been damaged,

New macros to drop the body fat i gained are

200g Carbs
160g Protein
80g Fat
35g Fibre

i feel allot better eating the foods to achieve these goals already.

I cant believe there are trainers out there misleading beginers into some seriously f"d up shit.

guess as always it pays to do your own research!

Thanks fellas

If you feel physically better and more comfortable with what you'r new trainer's got you doing that's the main thing. Half the challenge is finding a trainer that suits you.

Looks much better mate!

This is what happens when you can become a "Personal Trainer" in 8-12 weeks - I did my course and some of the people had only just started training themselves!!

I learnt alot more from personal study, training myself, being on forums etc than I ever learnt in 12 weeks when I was doing my PT course...

I would strongly suggest looking this this forum, googling information, asking more and more questions on here to confirm and hopefully within a matter of a couple of months you wont even need a PT and you can save yourself some cash....
I know guys who have off season bulk on 1 meal, a brick layer I know has about 4500 in the space of an hour or 2
There's no way a person has enough digestive enzymes to process 4500 calories in one sitting. Eating like that is just plain stupid.