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Question on Fat Cells

Ive heard GOMAD can increase your fat cell count if your not careful?

With the aromatase thing, is it dependant on fat cell size or just the cell count?

i asked this right before the shitstorm came up, im still very interested in informed answers

maybe ill give dr google a go
The food chart which states that you should eat 24 servings (my size) of wheat per day...

The food chart is a joke.
X 2 but according to John I wouldn't have been obese had I googled the food pyramid.

Even the best of parents won't give the correct education kids need to know about nutrition. It is up to our SCHOOLS our places of education to do this... You are a naive if you think any different. Ignorance is bliss.. Best way to sum up a kid isn't it?

As for RB's response stating he doesn't care if everyone else gets fat... I think that's childish and you sir need help.
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I'm with pie, I am sick of opening a thread that interests me, reading the first few replies, noobs has a sook over someones differing opinion then it goes 4 pages OT.

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Noobs makes this forum man. I honestly wouldn't have hung around long enough to learn what I've learnt without his right wing nutrition attitude. It intrigues me that someone can spend so much time trying to make people see the light no matter how many times he bangs his head against the wall. And you know what? It's not for his benefit he is trying to help everyone! I for one am thankful.
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That's good and I agree, however, it's his methods I disagree with. Just put the information out there, don't jam it down everyones throats.
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Hehe bro, we didnt have google back then! Good old times

I agree with you. Schools need to educate kids better on nutrition, especially with all the junk and misinformation these days. When I was 10? nutella had this ad saying it was a nutritional and healthy breakfast, even though its first ingridient is....... sugar. Oh and nutrigrain which is one thirds sugar featured all these buff ripped guys working out and then eating a bowl of what is basically sugar.

However I feel we still have to accept some responsibility. I mean even as a kid, I understood if I stuffed myself and sat on my ass all day, I would grow...
That's good and I agree, however, it's his methods I disagree with. Just put the information out there, don't jam it down everyones throats.
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We've all learnt noobs isn't as gentle as Fadi. I for one have had the wrath of noobs unleashed upon me and only just survived. I think it's his frustration to the fact his information doesn't get through to some people that drives him to step up his explanation.

In other news today noobs and Oliver have announced their nutrition debate to go ahead on Sunday the 26th of September. Oliver has come out and said he will be rigidly defending the health sustaining antioxidants of caffenine and I quote "mother cans will add an extra 10 years to your life and give you an unreal pump!". Noobs has declined to comment about what his main focus will be but we did get this reply when he heard of olivers main focus, "$@&&$ @&$ the &&$@& is gone to far and $&@$& $&@$ $&@$$@$$@& is enough!!!"
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Nutra grain perfect example...

Fat was the enemy growing up so I stopped eating fat off of steaks etc... Bread? Healthy for you! that's good because I LOVE toasted cheese and tomato sandwiches! Tomato and cheese are all good aren't they? I just won't put butter on... On but mum got me some not fat margerene.

Whether I wasn't smart enough to realize that carbs were indeed screwing me over or that it wasn't put in black and white for me I don't know.

I was an active kid too, always played sports, always rode my bike everywhere on a weekend. I think it's just the fact I have the ability to eat beyond any normal persons ability and I use to use that skill. Took a $50 bet on it that I could eat a full bucket of kfc hot and spicy... Best $50 I ever earnt.
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I think n00bs needs to create a book as well, with the amount of solid information he's given as well, it's impossible to find it all!
Pie, can people not voice there opinion without always agreeing. What rubbish?
As long as the debate is civil it's all good and there's no insults.
What's up with you lately?

No, debate is awesome. I live how this forum usually has great debates on it.

And people it's not noobs I have a problem with, I really like his aggressive and in your face approach with his well supported arguments.

This thread is rubbish though because there hasn't been a debate but rather a petty argument along the lines of:

decent question as Opening post.
Not long after - schools need to educate people better - this was a fair statement to be supported, but here is where it fell apart.

Nah it's the kids and parents faults

nah it's the schools faults

that's a dumb argument, mines better

nah yours is dumb. Mine is better. But I'm not gonna tell you why or finish supporting my original statement because your dumb.

Nah your dumb. I don't care if others are fat.

That's stupid

your stupid

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You guys know you that kids are different to adults in terms of dietary intake and hormone balance. A child is able to eat a greater amount of calories per kg of their bodyweight than adult.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Who's responsible for our kids diet? Well kids are at school around 30 hours a week, while parents &/or gaurdians need to take reaponsibility. Howzzat for devils advocate
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well not everything in life is 100% perfect or clear cut. It's a forum people express themselves differently.
Like i said before as long as there are not insults or inflammatory remarks we can live with inperfection.
I think the debate our our childrens future far out weighs the severity of fat cells whether the name of the thread is followed or not.
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Pie, can people not voice there opinion without always agreeing. What rubbish?
As long as the debate is civil it's all good and there's no insults.
What's up with you lately?

Yeah Pie, you've got learn what the boundaries are around here. Calling people phucksticks and f u c k i n g idiots won't get you a public reprimand (or maybe it depends on who you are), but question the quality of a thread and you've crossed the line. Lesson learned for next time champ.
OK from my experiences in life.
I was a healthy active child. I used to eat and eat and would never have put on any weight. It was in my genes to not get fat... or so we thought.
Come the age of 6 or 7 the fat began to pile on. This was not helped by the fact that I was on prescribed cortico-steroids for collapsed lungs, this lead to severe side effect. I began to store fat only around my mid-section and fat. My arms and legs were thin as sticks. I looked very very odd. I developed a hunch on the back of my neck, and I was always told to stand straight even though I was practically arching my back backwards to look normal. My face become fatter and fatter, I developed what appeared to be breasts and gained weight at a rapid weight. By the age of 10 i was in the high 60Kg weight range, the average weight for most 10 year olds is in the low 30Kg range maybe even less.

By puberty at age 11, I was nearing the 90Kg mark, I grew taller at a rapid rate, my voice broke by the end of primary school and I was shaving by the middle of Year 7.

The weight gain did not cease there. By the end of my Year 7, I was skipping meals trying to lose weight, handing my food out to other people, and exercising as much as possible (going for bike rides, participating in all school sport activities etc) but to no success. By the time I was 14 I was approx 84Kg and then by 16 i was 100Kg. I was disgusting, fat and ugly. Moon faced and tired of people grabbing my chest.

Now, 8 yrs ahead, I am struggling badly to lose the fat on my body. It stores in the same locations, around my chest (giving me a breast shape appearance), on my lats and around my stomach. No amount of diet and exercise removes it. At one point I was below 10% bodyfat but my stomach still had large amounts of fat. The rest of my body was thin, lean and the most vascular I have ever seen on someone who is not ocmpeting in a comp. I am talking the veins in my arms, my legs, my neck and even below the fat in my stomach sticking out like you wouldnt believe. You could see them throbbing to my heart beat that is how lean I was. I was close to anorexia, it was really quite disturbing.

This thread to me makes sense, I have always thought that maybe the fat in my stomach is permanant, stuck to me. This could be why, perhaps the cells in there refuse to die off or something?
I might add to I was on the cortico-steroids for all of my child hood from the age of 7 til about the age of 17/18...
I just believe that what noobs is trying to get out with regards to nutrition is too much involved for primary school student.

I also believe that nutrition starts with the parents, children get their eating habits from their parents and children start their eating habits in primary school, yes we could have a nutrition program in primary school but it would have to be very basic. Unless the parents change their eating habits the children will not change their eating habits. The parents provide their child with breakfest, what goes into their lunch box, what will be cooked for dinner. Parents are the ones buying the weekly food shopping and primary school children will not tell their parents to have healthy alternatives they would rather eat what taste good, so its up to the parents to make sure they are giving their children the best food for their bodies.

Then when we hit high school generally we already have a eating habits and we all know how hard it is to change eating habits unless you really want to and have the will power. So yes we could have a program for high school students but all it will do is inform them what is good and what is bad. Do you think it will change their attitude towards their eating habits? Will their be enough students changing food habits to make it worth the extra government funding to include another subject?

Also friends can also have a lot of influence on eating for example group friends go out, some want pizza, so everyone eats pizza. Generally with my friends all they worrying about is if they are putting on weight if they are not they just eat whatever. Then my good friend who is nurse trys to eat healthy and then she like whats the point I'm young I shouldn't have to stress about what I eat I have enough stress in my life, so I will eat in motivation..
I was talking about high school..

And its the children of younger generations that go home and teach their parents so they can implement changes.

Thats why i do...

Of courseit will change their attitudes towards eating!

People eat the way they do out of ignorance. because they dont know.. If they do know then they will change. The ones who dont have an iq of 20 and are performing idiot genocide.

All your friends worrying about putting on fat only because thats all they know. If they understood how they put on fat and the workings of it it would be a different story.

All they understand is "junk" = fat gain.

Just because 20-30 year olds are too lazy and ignorant to care about their health does not mean that we should not give better opportunities to future generations.

Are you on heroin? Worth the extra funding.. Do you have any idea the toll on the health system food related disease has???

I cant believe we are having this discussion.
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I had the worst eating/drinking/drug habits out of everybody. Period.
I never ate veggies as a kid, my parents and siblings STILL don't.

One day, I woke up to myself and realized the reason my body was falling apart was because of the crap I was putting into it.
Im 23, how old is your "nurse" friend? What you eat today will effect what happens to you tomorrow.
I still go out to pubs/partys with my mates. They have NO influene on what i eat or drink. To say that they do is just weak.
You are your own person, and you decide what goes into your mouth. Everybody needs to realize that you can "eat what you want" but their will be a price.
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I'm not on herion, what the??? Do you really think the government will fund high schools? I don't know what school you went to or what you think goes on in schools. My Mum is a teacher and she has worked in some pretty bad schools, the eating habits definitely was not an issue, the issue was the lack of respect students have for teachers and coming to school stoned and when they would ring their parents they could not give two hoots. So you think its worth the funding to give students another subject and how to eat correctly when they don't give a sh*t what they put in their bodies?
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