The hammer pullover is a big machine, all hammer equipment was designed by arthur jones son, Kim wood and ken liestner even had input on a lot of the machines, so most of the machines are actually designed bigger to accommodate the larger biuld american footballer.
The nautilus pullover is a little smaller.
Positioning in the machine is critical.
The axis is the pivot point of the lever, that needs to be in-line with the shoulder.
You'll know it right when your elbow doesn't move when it's on the pad throughout the movement.
The average shoulder width of a man is around 18 inches, if you are under that it might be harder to get the right posisition.
Get someone to stand in front of you to make sure the alignment is correct, if you can get this machine working for it will biuld a very strong back and hits the lats like now other exercise.
Builds incredible lat thickness.
People comment on my barrel chest, but I think I have more muscle on my back the my front.
I often will do these as a pre-fatigue exercise before sets of chin-ups.
Or even the other way around, in fact doing it this way brings a whole new meaning to lat pain I guarantee.