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Ptc ppp

James (monkey man) finally pulled 200kg tonight, becoming the 55th lifter to do so at PTC.

He is on the 210kg program and will be trying 210kg next week.

Amazingly, this 61 year old man did it without the aid of straps.

He too came to me with a history of back complaints. He asked a client how she lost all her weight, and she directed him to me. He explained he had a bad back that had troubled him for a decade.

Seemed fine tonight.

He had a previous PB of 192.5kg, and at the Vics this year pulled 185kg for a National record.

Tonight he pulled 195kg for a PB, so I said have a crack at 200kg. He had more in him, but we'll save it for next Friday.

Wow amazing effort... 200kg now looks like a weak deadlift markos..

When will it be "home of the 300kg deadlfit"
I've already told the guys the mark will be lifted to 250kg now. Once a 61yo does 200kg, its time to move on.

Nick 275
Chris 273.5
Tony 265
Simon 265
Matt 260
Howie 260
Chris 260
Kelly 255
James 251
Louie 251
Spiros 250

Thats 11 over 250kg
Wow amazing effort... 200kg now looks like a weak deadlift markos..

When will it be "home of the 300kg deadlfit"

Hopefully about 4-6 months after my back is 100% again. I'm wanting to pull it at the national deadlift comp in December.
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Markos, what do you think about doing PPP whilst cutting? ive set my goals as:

bench - 85 > 100kg
squat - 100 > 125kg
dead - 150 > 180kg

ive been restricting calories by 200-300 per day for the last 5 weeks and have just started PPP. i passed my bench and squat session ok but just failed my dead session and i can see it going horribly wrong in the first few weeks. i really want to continue cutting as i am close to reaching my goals there and i really want to set myself the challenge of equaling my previous PB's 10kg lighter. will PPP still be an effective program if i was to set my goals much lower and aim for 2 cycles instead of 1 to hit my goals or am i really attempting the wrong program while restricting calories?

i hope all that is clear lol
You should still be able to do it. Spiros is doing the same thing ATM. Give it a shot and if you find yourself failing don't restrict your calories as much. It'll just mean that it will take you a little longer to reach your cutting goals.
Posted via Mobile Device
Spiros failed deadlift and bench while cutting.

He started eating properly on Thursday and passed both lifts since.

its designed to make you stronger, undereating is not.

Simply revise your goals, Sean had to.
The lifting is approaching the pointy end.

Spiros squatted 190kg

Dave squatted 180kg

Mick squatted 155kg

Kasper squatted 162.5kg

James squatted 145kg

Hamish benched 115kg

Hamish deadlifted 200kg sumo

Max deadlifted 205kg x 1, 185kg x 10

Max rack pulled 310kg from pin 4, gym record
Nice numbers mate. You must be as proud as bloody punch.

A mate of mine asked me yesterday if (power) cleans fit into the PPP program. I'm not sure if he actually has the program. I assume they do. Yeah?
We use them as assistance for deadlifts, high pulls and shrugs as well.

The numbers are really climbing.

Nina has the National squat record at 92.5kg. She red lighted on her 3rd attempt for depth, so only 85kg went on her total, but she made it on her 4th attempt for a record.

We reviewed her squatting, I spoke about it on here a while ago. She squats Olympic style, which has led to tremendous quad development, but her knees go so far forward, her hips never catch up, so she got called on depth. The funny thing was, her ass gets extremely low.

So after adjusting her technique, we dropped the weight and allowed her to get used to it. I think we only went to 70kg on her first session.

Today she did a very easy 100kg squat, a couple of inches under parallel. I told her she would squat 120kg at the Vics next year, she laughed at me.

She will open with 95kg at the Nats, above her NR.

Fat Dave and Spiros both squatted over 400lbs last night, 190kg and 195kg respectively.

Max pulled 220kg, he'll be looking for a 500lb deadlift at Nats.

Daryl and Nathan are also going to break their own NR and hope to set WR, as will Nina and Max.

James looks set to deadlift over 200kg in competition and squat 150kg, not bad at 61.

The only set back we've had recently is Dim missed last week as he got sick. He should still manage a 140kg squat, 105kg bench and 190kg deadlift @ 70kg.

Kelly should add around 10kg to his 565kg total, maybe more.
Steve just pulled 200kg. He is on his second cycle of PPP, a novice lifter weighing 75kg.

He is the 58th lifter to do that now, Rory pulled 200kg on Thursday, making him # 57 and the 3rd teenager to do it
If your training journal reads like this, I urge you TO NOT do PPP, its not for you. These comments are from the last pages of Dancelots journal, consecutive entries.

Thursday - 2010-07-08

Sore left arm due to an incident at indoor soccer on Tuesday night.

Not enough sleep for 2 days due to World Cup semis.

Saturday - 2010-07-10

Not feeling 100% today. Slept and ate enough, but I was just tired. :/

Tuesday - 2010-07-13

Still not 100%, a little tired. I think after being in contact with lots of sick people (cold, flu) in the last few days, my immune system is simply working too hard

Thursday - 2010-07-15

Still tired. Been in contact with lots of sick people - who should've stayed home instead of coming to work - in the last few days. Immune system in overdrive.

Left arm is sore around the elbow, cos of goalkeeping on Tuesday night.

Saturday - 2010-07-17

Got home very late last night, went to bed at 2:30am, not 100%

Tuesday - 2010-07-20

Showing symptoms of a light cold. :/ Was tired & didn't want to get out of bed this morning.

Friday - 2010-07-23

Played a lot of soccer this week plus dance training. I haven't been very well. Whole body is sore, particularly legs, and feel weak. Decided to skip Thursday training and train on Friday instead.

Bench Press - week 10/11 105kg PPP

Bar x10 x2, 40 x5, 60 x3, 70 x2
80 x1, 90 x1, 100 xF, 100 xF, 90 xF

My left arm was like noodles. No strength at all. I stopped so I wouldn't get injured.

Deadlift - week 9/11 200kg PPP

Dropped down 10kg in the program.

70 x5, 90 x3, 110 x2, 130 x1
150 x1, 170 x1, 185 x1, 190 xF, 190 xF

185 flew up but 190 wouldn't budge.

Left hammies felt really sore, had to stop there to prevent injuries.

Worst session ever!

Tuesday - 2010-07-27

A bit under the weather, sneezing & feeling tired. Took half a day off yesterday.

Thursday - 2010-07-29

Tired + very sore elbow & bicep from incidents in soccer and dancing. Could barely feel my left arm. Decided to have a light day.

Monday - 2010-08-02

Didn't train over the weekend as I was sick on Friday. Just slept and ate a lot of steak instead.

Tuesday - 2010-08-10

Took a week off for holiday & party. Pretty screwed up diet & sleep

These comments are from the last 2 pages only, you need a new hobby from the look of this, or maybe you need a smack in the head to wake you up. This is atrocious.
Markos, in those entries, despite me being sick & tired (which is fairly usual for me during winter - I'm actually better this year), most of the time I actually beat my previous PBs, so I did get stronger, only not as strong as I'd hope for.

The last two entries for example: one I pulled a +5kg PB on the deadlift and in the other, I squatted a very easy PB 140kg x5. In one of the previous entries, I squatted a PB 162.5kg 2xBW. In an earlier one, I benched 100kg twice (+5kg PB) while not being 100%.

July-Aug with the World Cup plus a planned holiday plus winter colds were always going to be bad months for training for me. Could be a lot worse. I at least tried to get my arse to the gym for most sessions. I only missed 2 in 3 months. Not that bad!

The previous 6 months of the year (I have that journal on another forum) were much better. My health was perfect, no late night sleep and diet was spot on, no missed session either.

I wrote down all those things to be honest to myself - and I acknowledge that I haven't been 100% for the last month and a half, but I was still progressing, albeit slowly.
All I read was excuses.

The reason I put this up is because I dont want guys doing PPP half assed and saying it doesnt work.

You admitted yourself that your priority is watching soccer, its your religion.

PPP is not for you then, it takes a heavy toll, and if your not going to eat and sleep because you want to watch some primadonnas fall over and cry, then you should look at Starting Strength or something like that.

PPP was designed for PTC lifters that were looking to compete.

At the Nats this week I'll have around 10 lifters I think that competed 12 weeks ago at the Vics.

We can check their progress and see whats attainable for those dedicated to getting stronger.

Here is the list of guys that are doing both comps, the Vics and Nats

Vicki........ 220kg
Nina........ 257.5kg

Daryl....... 420kg
Max......... 487.5kg
Nathan..... 375kg
Dim.......... 420kg
Kelly........ 565kg
James...... 400kg
Fat Dave...485kg

I'll update results after the weekend
Actions verify priorities

If you play a sport, which all of us should, your workout must be a focus on training to reduce the incident of injury in the sport you play, not the other way around.

In a workout that is an adjunct to a sport played you must view the workout as a means to build strength not show it.

What causes an injury?
When an external force exceeds the structural integrity of an area exposed an injury will occur, not if but when.

Exercise can produce the potential stimulus to produce a growth response, once provided, RECOVERY MUST BE PROVIDED for the change to take place.
Posted via Mobile Device
I never said that PPP didn't work.

Besides, the World Cup is once every 4 years. It's not like I watch it every night of the week and fail lifts left & right. Your opinion on futbol is your own to keep. Your son Max plays the sport too.

The World Cup affected only one session (towards the semi-final stage). If you read my journal, you'll find that after that failed session, I came back very strong. The bad parts after that were all because I was struggling with a cold/flu during winter.

Seriously, Markos, is it actual constructive criticism aimed at someone (me) with a particular personal circumstance which affects his lifting or is this about you defending PPP out of some imaginary attack that I didn't say?

I didn't mention these things as excuses. I mentioned them because you took my comments from the journal totally out of context. Someone reading your post would imagine that my lifts were stagnant or going backwards. That was clearly not true. I was getting stronger, just didn't reach the PPP cycle targets.

You also took the worst few weeks of my training out of a solid 9 months to make an example. That's not fair.

Sorry that I could not match every PTC competing lifter's progress with PPP in my first cycle, without a coach & the same training environment.