From what I have seen you diet is poor. Lots of processed foods, lots of carbs, almost no protein.
If you want to lose weight your diet is the most important part. You need to consume less calories than you are consuming.
You should be eating 6 small meals per day. Each should contain a protein source and either salad and vegies. Cut out all processed/refined carbs like pastas and breads, drink no calories (only drink water or diet/zero soft drink, NO ALCOHOL)
Train weight weights 3 times per week. Do some extra cardio if you like BUT THE WEIGHT LOSS WILL ALL COME FROM THE DIET. Weight training will burn calories for longer than cardio, it will also make you strong and build some muscle.
If you have your diet correct you do not need a protein supp. I personally love the convenience of them so I use a lot of protein power. I buy dymatize elite. 4.5kg for around $110 - 120. No need for glamourous or fancy protein powder, its not that important. Your diet however is.