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Protein intake and the anabolic response

20-30 grams per meal. Lol. Does anyone still follow that.

What is it, about 100g of chicken breast. A mouthful.
*cough* Bro Science *cough*

It seems on the low side but if you're having 6 meals in that range, you'd be close to the 2g/kg of bw that most people recommend.
the growth signal is a combination of training and carbohydrate timing aka using the insulin response, shuttling the nutrients.

protein alone will not do this.
^ yes it will. The carbohydrate/protein studies were done with insufficient protein (less than 10g from memory).Leucine alone can spike insulin, and when sufficient protein is consumed post workout carbohydrates aren't necessary. Also, iirc the anabolic effect of endogenous insulin has little to do with growth in adults (you'd need supra physiological doses) but does have an impact in growing teens.

Can post more info when home tomorrow, but it should be easy enough to Google the info.
yeah leucine can and does. its kinda why milk is known for growing, has plenty of leucine.

edit: and why so many talk about bcaa's so much. ESPECIALLY pre- during - then post wo carbs.

and controlling our insulin response is whats lacking in our society and is why we have the obese epidemic.
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Insulin levels within physiological ranges makes fuck all difference to hypertrophy
Insulin sensitivity does
yes its the sensitivity, and if you fuck with your response mechanism, it goes to shit

same if you don't sleep enough, same if you don't... zero rocket science involved.

eat carbs at the wrong times, whats that do to insulin sensitivity? you become more and more insulin RESISTANT.
Overweight people have loads of insulin being released. its why they are fat and not diabetic (yet).

Do that around workout time and control your impulses a touch and you'll be a beast instead of a fat beast.
no, but you should limit them, especially simple sugars like sweets. between meal sweets is an extremely big no-no.

you don't have to follow it THAT strict, just as a guideline and you'd be surprised the differences.

eg if your sitting on your bum all day in the office, snacking on lollies and choc to "keep the mind active" is the worst thing you can ever do.

This is the problem with research, it only looks at 1 question, a very simple one that isn't simple at all, because there's hundreds of variables.
Fat people are fat because they eat too much and move too little. Fucking around with nutrient timing isn't going to help that.
Fat people are fat because they eat too much and move too little. Fucking around with nutrient timing isn't going to help that.

your either shuttling food into muscle or fat storage. one or the other. timing is everything.

You mention papers are politically driven but use kiefer as a reference, who is trying to sell his diet???

My diet isn't perfect. Who's is? I can lose belly fat fine.

It's too many calories for the fatties and not enough movement. You can move around their foods as much as you want. It not gonna change the fact that they eat too much.
look, im being blunt here.

no its not, its the types of foods.. .you can shovel in baked potato, carrots, brocolli all day and not get fat. its how the whole hormone system works in the body.

its not just calories in vs calories out, nor is it just protein, carbs, fats. It matters where it comes from, what form its in etc.

simply pointing out science mistakes. or atleast, contradictions.
The studies Keifer cites have been addressed by a few different people. Some of it doesn't even support his stance, and occasionally contradict it.

Google "Nutrient timing myth" and have a read of some of the research behind it.
i don't have to google it, been living it over 10yrs as a guinea pig myself.

instead of reading, maybe actually working out what works for you is probably what you should start doing more of?

Kiefer is a biased as they come. He is trying to make money. He isn't even trained in nutrition as far as I remember. Get your information from elsewhere. Your being fed shit information.

Your body is too smart to think you can influence how fat you are by shifting foods around to different times of day or by changing what form the food is in.

Fatties gotta stop eatin so much. All of them say they exercise and eat well but get through the bullshit and they don't.
yes but listen to the explanation of how things work.. its the simply guideline, not his diet principle.

i totally disagree with carb backloading. anyway that would be going way too off topic