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New member
Hey just wondering if anyone on here has ever heard or even better used propadrol and what where your results like? Also i would like to know if you had any side affects. I should also let you know i am planning on using this product just to boost my testosterone levels because they are very low because of rapid weight loss and a low calorie diet that i was using.

Thanks in advance


The original Propadrol was a Pro Hormone, the revised one is some natty crap.
I dont have it yet but i am getting it on monday apparently its a natural testosterone booster is what i have been told so im guessing its the natural one any thoughts shrek?
I have no faith in natty test boosters.
It may increase test but not enough to notice any great results.

May increase libido if test is really low.
alright cheers mate ill be getting it cheap anyway so i might just give it a go like you said it cant hurt. At least i hope not haha
id give it a go if ur getting it cheap then why not... cant hurt?
test boosters do work to some degree i reckon !
Yea cheers mate i picked it up so i will probably start on it next week. From what i have heard most people have had some weight gains with it but mainly strengh gains. I am in need of both at the moment so i will give it a shot and keep you guys updated!