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That's great. Are you prepared to get a SERM for PCT? Are you prepared for an AI incase of gyno?
Do you have supporting supplements for during and after cycle?

Just gotta ask these ????
Iv already taken it about a month and a half back and the results were unbelievable! I brought my post course over with me, Iv got all my vitamins, aminos, omegas, milk thistle and everything already... I just need the superdrol now! I went from 77 to 92 Kilos in 7 weeks, obviously eating a rediculous amount of food, training 5 times a week and taking the superdrol. After the course i then only lost 3 kilos going down to 89 kilos and a month and a half later on the post course and still eating the same my weight has gone back up to 92 kilos.... So that is why i want to take a second course of "that shit" Iv done my research and yes there are some side effects, but none that cant be reversed...

Omfg lol..

If your going to fuck around with stupid shit that needs pct buy some test e, buy some deca and jab away...

This is all a joke.

Not sheep? Not idiots? Not ready to be ripped off?

No not all Aussies just us here with half a brain..
Thanks for all the help guys! You really gave me a good impression of what you ozzie guys are like!
Dude, when / if you start this PH cycle, could you post before and after pics and keep a detailed log with training, diet and supplement details and dosages. I would like too see the results.
Blood tests would be nice to. I would like to see how it affects your test levels and lipids.

Too much to ask????
Hey all, I'm new to the board, just thought I'd say hi.

I've had some mixed experiences with customs over the years. Most of the time, I'm able to get stuff through fine, however, only twice before have things been seized. So, it is possible, but its way too stressful waiting for them to come to even bother for most people. Both times, my customs letter was 'Contact us with a licence or we will dispose of the items".

I'm going to assume it's not too bad if its one bottle here and there, but, yeah, getting things past customs is possible, just really stressful at the same time lol.
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wtf why are you people using PRO HORMONES?
what the hell is wrong with you that support this? blood tests will prove that the orals will increase your testosterone levels by far... BUT
it has to be broken down by the LIVER! thus its affecting your liver so harshly that you might as well have 4 weeks of dianabol or run a straight testosterone cycle.

Anabolics are widely used in this sport and you can get it from any roid muncher in the gym. i dont see why the hell you would waste your time on PRO HORMONES that would most likely ruin ur liver quicker then build muscles
whats the half life of these stuff?

if you use m drol , super drol which are bases of anabolics, when your hair starts falling wtf are you going to combat it? proscar? so thats another chemical compound ur liver has to digest?.... what a stupid alternative, if doing the dark method of gaining muscle or have reached ur genetics use straight oil/orals anabolics with correct on cycle and pct support and blood tests prior cycling to ensure you recover.

i cant believe ppl here would use pro hormones... wtf
dhea is a prohormone, has wonderful benefits... some with pregnenolone. However transdermal is far better but this is not for "bodybuilding"
You're a twat. While I don't condone PH use drugs like D'bols, Anadrol and oral Stana are just as bad for your liver and lipids, so it make you no better or wiser using those over some one using PH's. Also PH's aren't (weren't) illegal for many years hence the popularity.
well your a dickless twat then.

there are more studies on dianabol/anavar and these anabolics n are more WIDELY used then fraeking pro hormones
which pro bodybuilder do u know that uses pro hormones? lol

4 weeks to kickstart a cycle is vastly used globally and it wont deter your lipid profiles.. your not going to fuck your liver on dbols/var/ on 4 weeks
each coimpound has its own but these 2 are quite safe to be run furing those 4

there are many blood tests done on other forums that can prove this.
any longer then 4 weeks is COULD be detrimental.. .there are so many factors.

stop being sucha sour puss about it... p.s
ur saying it was legal.. YOUR USING TREN to be broken down by your liver...
it may be legal but using enthenate was and is ALOT SAFER
my god why the hell would u use tren base ph's for ur liver to break down
each compound has it degree to what values it'll affect in the liver
but 4 weeks is by far safe to use var/dbol.....

ph's are more dangerous because depending on what compound the liver breaks them down ( above base steroids tren ) ... just because it wasnt banned doesnt mean it wasnt detrimental to your health..
if worried straight oil is a better option. dotn screw with this cheap shit. that gives u all water rention on no hard muscle..goddamn
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Funniest post in years.
Boy I just learnt so much. Post more often dude, pure hilarity.