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Either way, i'd still like a reply to my question.

Fitness 81- just out of curiousity, how old are you, how much do you weigh, and what is your current bench, squat, dead and over head?
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But they have to convert to test before it can convert to dht or does dhea bypass this role in conversion to dht? ALso dht isnt the evil hormone every thinks it to be .
I'd keep an eye on everything and test for everything with my GP. If something is of concern, he'll let you know. I always make a point to get my annual check ups done on time each year - don't put them off. In terms of using prohormones or other substances, there is no sense putting yourself in danger if you are concerned. Is it really worth it?

Focus on intense training and a solid diet for max gains and overall health and have peace of mind by choosing supplements that you have researched well and feel confident using.

hey sticky, im assuming your friend is having the LG Science trifecta stack?
did he order from overseas ?
Yes he did, Im not sure where though. He will be starting the cycle in about a month, as his lifts are starting to stall. He will be logging everything and getting bloods done at the start, middle, and end of the cycle to see if it actually did anything. If their is any interest Ill ask him if I can post it up.

Edit: He has lowish test levels too.
LOL at Steve Reeves and the like being "Natural". Arnold started using when he was 16, Frank Zane's nickname was "The Chemist" hmmm I wonder why

PH's are nothing compared to real gear but most people use them because they are cheaper and easier to take.

Most US places dont stock them anymore but they are still availble if you know where to look. Getting them through customs is just luck of the draw. If you get it seized they just send you a letter and nothing happens. Of course if you try to import 100 bottles then you might get some visitors but all this talk about jail time is just crap.

As long as you have the right supports and PCT then go for it. Much better than wasting your money on Test booster supps like Tribulus which are useless.
I ordered The trifecta stack from muscleandstrength along with some xtend, d-aspartic acid and jack3d, 80usd for the trifecta stack used fedex, my package hasnt been cleared yet, fedex have asked me to send email in the ingredients, im hoping i get it through but pretty doubtful
That jack3d is powerful stuff mate you will be lucky to get that into the country. I heard some guy put on 20kg in a week and had a sick as pump from it. Just be careful anyway mate your clothes bill could be more then 80usd.
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It's true man not a laughing matter.. stack it with hyperanadrol and you'll be a monster
Posted via Mobile Device
Firstly none of these are PH so why did you post it in this thread. Secondly jack3d is so cheap in Aust $44 on e-bay delivered so why would you pay for shipping from the States.
Thirdly it is not up to Fedex to ask for ingredients lists it should be Customs or AQUIS,

Good Luck.
ive picked up jack3d its pretty cheap. but it keeps me awake and gets me hoping around like a energizer bunny..

a pic of my tub heheh

I bought one aswell a couple of months back, it certainly packs a punch. It's the Dimeth
the jack3d was 2 for 49usd and seeing as I was getting other things that were at least half the price they are here the shipping price was well worth it especially with the strong aud, e.g 2 x90 serve xtends 37usd each which is ludicrously good.. and sorry for posting here im newbie obviosuly, I just thought as everyone was talking about the trifecta stack even though no new posts I figured my post was in the appropriate place. I've heard good things about the trifecta stack I was under the impression they were very mild PH?
to sum up this thread.. what is even good? hahahahahaa

there's so many products that claim shit.

I took zuess it kinda worked