A groundbreaking all-access Reality TV series following veteran UK bodybuilders Tom Blackman and Paul Scarborough through an entire preparation to return to the competitive bodybuilding stage after three years out of the sport. From off-season to game day.
The series will follow Tom and Paul, as they go from close friends to rival competitors on the same stage. No punches will be pulled in showing the harsh but real aspects of competitive bodybuilding, from Drugs to Diet, Tanning to Posing, Injuries to Victories and the challenge of making it all work alongside full time-jobs and family commitments.
This is not a Diet. This is not getting Fit. This is not Drugs doing the work. This is whatever it takes..
..this, is Prep.
The series will follow Tom and Paul, as they go from close friends to rival competitors on the same stage. No punches will be pulled in showing the harsh but real aspects of competitive bodybuilding, from Drugs to Diet, Tanning to Posing, Injuries to Victories and the challenge of making it all work alongside full time-jobs and family commitments.
This is not a Diet. This is not getting Fit. This is not Drugs doing the work. This is whatever it takes..
..this, is Prep.