Hmmmm Well.
In the lead up to nationals I was doing band assisted deadlifts, they are like rack pulls, but from the floor.
My normal deadlift 1rm was 220kg. We worked up to 210kg, and then I had a bit of a "who has the longest dick" moment. 210kg was the max one of our guys could pull (his 1rm was about 180), so we decided to see who could get the most reps.
One guy got 1, the other got 6, and I got 12.
Keep in mind that you have the full weight from just below your knees.
It was just too much weight.
One of my legs is like 4cm longer than the other. I have a slight scoliosis. I couldnt activate my transverse abs.
All of that, plus the weight, and the fatigue, pushed my SI joint out of place.
This caused my muscles to tighten up, and give me some pain - about a 6-10.
I went to nationals, smashed it with deep heat, lifted a comp PB, and made it a whole lot worse.
Over the next few days it just got worse and worse. It got to the point I couldnt move. The pain was INSANE and I thought I was pretty much done. Pain was 10/10, and I had weeks off work.
So far its cost me about 1k in physio, $200 in massages, $800 in chiro, and im still not fixed. But its getting alot better. Im going to start deadlifting VERY light on friday. Ive only just started squatting again. Working my way up from 50% of my old 1rm.
How far has it set me back? Physically, about 4-6 months. Mentally, not sure. All I do know is Im now wearing a belt which is something I thought Id never do.
Moral of the story?
Leave the dick swinging for when your drunk...... Not in the gym, thats when you get injured.