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Post Your Back Workout

Lately I've split my back workout.

Chins are done with dips on a one day.
Barbell and cable rows done with bench press and another chest exercise another day.
Another day devoted to deads. It's working really well.
I want to do whichever one gives me a purple back like Scott. Multicolored is cooler than strong
Weighted pull ups - Palms facing away
BOR - Overhand Grip
Cable low rows
"Yates Row" - Underhand grip... Not really a yates row but didn't know how to explain it.
Face Pulls

Also do db / kroc rows on another day... Also 3-5 chinups between every major push set e.g. BB Bench press - 3-5 chins - bb bench - 3-5 chins....

Deads x 3-4 sets
Barbell Row x 3 sets
Chins x 3-4 sets
Sometimes cables rows.

that's about it.

Same, but i do 2 sets barbell row overhand grip and 2 sets underhand grip. Also might thow is single arm dumbell rows instead of cable rows
Same, but i do 2 sets barbell row overhand grip and 2 sets underhand grip. Also might thow is single arm dumbell rows instead of cable rows
mine has changed this I posted that Relevant.

I do this now and I like it.
You can check details of setsm reps and weight in my log

Lately I've split my back workout.

Chins are done with dips on a one day.
Barbell and cable rows done with bench press and another chest exercise another day.
Another day devoted to deads. It's working really well.
I can't justify spending a whole workout on it and then waiting a week before hitting it again. This way lets me hit it twice per week at least with less volume both times so I can really hit it hard.
I can't justify spending a whole workout on it and then waiting a week before hitting it again. This way lets me hit it twice per week at least with less volume both times so I can really hit it hard.

I undertand the logic of breaking a muscle up but back is the equivalent of chest and abs so really one workout with lower and upper back sounds ok to me
I can't justify spending a whole workout on it and then waiting a week before hitting it again. This way lets me hit it twice per week at least with less volume both times so I can really hit it hard.

Yeah I feel the same way... Back twice a week...

I like the way you split it up... Might use it one day...
It's awesome Thomas. Wish i had of done it like this long ago, but you know what they say, we are always learning.

I made this split up myself based on what suits me.

Go ahead try it and lemme know how it goes.
As with my leg workout, my back workout varies from week to week... it usually goes something like this though...

Pulls - Ups/Downs to the front - a few light sets to warm up, then 4-6 heavies

Deads - Cycle Three weeks; standing on a step (FML that day), off the ground, from a rack

Rows - Seated OR Bent Over OR Yates OR Dumbell OR T-Bar OR Hammer Strength Machine

Pulls - Ups/Downs to the Rear OR Hammer Strength Machine Pull Downs

Flyes - Dumbells Rear Delt Flyes to fatigue

Varies every week, but I usually follow something along these lines.
Why vary from week to week?

Stick with a program and give it a chance to work.

You're not falling for the "Keep The Muscles Guessing" broscience are you?
Why vary from week to week?

Stick with a program and give it a chance to work.

You're not falling for the "Keep The Muscles Guessing" broscience are you?

I vary my majors, and while i say 'varies week to week', it realistically varies every couple of months. I find that I tend to plateau very quickly if I maintain the same workout schedule for longer than about 6 weeks, to i'll generally rotate my three major muscles through three major exercises each week to help with gains. Two of the guys that I have gotten a lot of knowledge from (the guy who trained James Potter and a local natural BB champ) agree with rotating the three majors through a couple of different exercises to contantly push for better gains.

So i'll usually pick a the four or five minor exercises that I do for each major muscle and stick to them for a month or so, but rotate my major every week.

So for back it might go

Week 1
Pull exercise to front - A
Dead from standing on a platform (for maximum depth - bar just touching feet)
Row Exercise - A
Pull exercise to rear - A
Flyes to rear - A

Week 2
Pull exercise to front - A
Deads from the floor
Row Exercise - A
Pull exercise to rear - A
Flyes to rear - A

Week 3
Pull exercise to front - A
Rack Pulls
Row Exercise - A
Pull exercise to rear - A
Flyes to rear - A

Week 4
Pull exercise to front - A
Dead from standing on a platform (for maximum depth - bar just touching feet)
Row Exercise - A
Pull exercise to rear - A
Flyes to rear - A

Week 5
Pull exercise to front - A
Deads from the floor
Row Exercise - A
Pull exercise to rear - A
Flyes to rear - A

Week 6
Pull exercise to front - A
Rack Pulls
Row Exercise - A
Pull exercise to rear - A
Flyes to rear - A


Week 1
Pull exercise to front - B
Dead from standing on a platform (for maximum depth - bar just touching feet)
Row Exercise - B
Pull exercise to rear - B
Flyes to rear - B

Week 2
Pull exercise to front - B
Deads from the floor
Row Exercise - B
Pull exercise to rear - B
Flyes to rear - B

Week 3
Pull exercise to front - B
Rack Pulls
Row Exercise - B
Pull exercise to rear - B
Flyes to rear - B

Week 4
Pull exercise to front - B
Dead from standing on a platform (for maximum depth - bar just touching feet)
Row Exercise - B
Pull exercise to rear - B
Flyes to rear - B

Week 5
Pull exercise to front - B
Deads from the floor
Row Exercise - B
Pull exercise to rear - B
Flyes to rear - B

Week 6
Pull exercise to front - B
Rack Pulls
Row Exercise - B
Pull exercise to rear - B
Flyes to rear - B

The advantage of rotating the three major exercises like this is that it get easier each week, and you'll pull more and more. While it recruits less core, less back extensor - less everything - each week, I find that I can add at least 2.5kg on every lift every three sessions (so each time you do the lift). I've only been cycling like that for about three months, and i've gone from 140kg deads to 160 deads.

I do the same thing with my squats (but less structured in the order of those primaries) and have gone from 130kg to 160kg in about the same time.

Good enough justification :-D
Why vary from week to week?

Stick with a program and give it a chance to work.

You're not falling for the "Keep The Muscles Guessing" broscience are you?

Westside changes up their lifts frequently. Are you saying they're broscientists?
At the moment I alternate between deadlifts and hyperextensions every time I walk in the gym, wich of course is both back and leg work. I also do a few pull up variations (dead hang with standard grip and L-pull with false grip, with or without added weight) and practice drills for learning muscle ups. I don't exactly have a strict program for pull ups and muscle ups, other than that I try to match my pulling with fairly equal pushing.
The most back growth ive had came from doing heavy weighted chins and deads only.

You dont need complexitity for back, you dont need 2 pulling variations, 2 rowing variations and rear delt flys.

IMO, heavy weight and perfect form, focusing on pulling all the weight with your back (as apposed to using momentum, biceps etc. you need to feel your back doing all the work) works great for thick back mass. And maybe some higher rep stuff for your sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (rows)