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Breakfast everyday:

- 1 scoop Whey
- 1 cup oats
- 1 cup milk
- 2.5 scoops superfine oats
- Handful mixed berries
- Handful ice cubes
- 1 banana
- 4 whole eggs

Makes about 1100ml - 1200ml.

Lunch for today and next couple days:

650g chicken breast and 800g mixed veg. Some soy sauce and chilli powder with tabasco sauce as well. Oh and some garlic.


Pork + Veg stirfry. No idea how much of each. I'm hungry, I eat.

Also there was pepper mushroom soup for a starter, but I ated it before pictar.
here is my food plan during the week. Open to critiscizing (because I know it needs it)

7:30- big bowl of nutri grain with 500ml of milk

9:30 tub of yoghurt 200g

11:00 left overs from the night before, this usually is pasta, stirfry something along those lines with a fair bit of veg and meat in it

12:00 protein shake with 500ml of milk

2:30 two tuna cheese and mayo sandwhiches 185g tin of tuna

4:00 another shake with 500ml of milk

6:00 dinner- try to do one big cook up at the start of the week for my 11:00 meal, so then it's usually meat and veg

9:00 another shake with 2 eggs and 500ml of milk.

go nuts and rip it to shreds
DOn't really have time to cook anything so was thinking of replacing it with a shake with eggs oats and all that stuff, but not too sure what to put in it exactly to make it delicious
I'll just sop at the Nutri Grain. That is absolute sugar loaded garbage.

No it's not. It's Iron Man food. It says so on the box.

Agreed. Have eggs for breakfast


DOn't really have time to cook anything

There's always time. If you have time to post, you have time to eat. I got up at 4.45am thismorning - takes about 10 minutes to cook bacon, eggs, sausages, and tomatoes - and another 5 minutes to eat.


was starving today for lunch so i just had

2x185gram tins moro tuna in olive oil
200 grams brown rice
1 cup of mixed olives, sundried tomatoes and fetta
mix it all together and yummmmo.
I made some choc banana protein bread which I just ate

1.5cups oats
3 eggs
7 egg whites
3 scoops choc whey
250g cottage cheese
1.5 bananas

Blend up. Chuck in oven at 175c.

Tastes pretty good but I think I might put in more banana next time and add some stevia.
This is what i have from monday to friday im looking at getting my b/f down to 8 to 10 . I think im about 12 to 14 now
Breakfast 630
2 70g eggs with ham tomato some milk n a bit of cheese
9am Protein shake
smoko 10
125g steak, potoats, beans
275g chicken breast n rice but it home made yellow chicken
pre workout meal 4
protein shake, bananna,mix nuts
post meal 630
Creatine steak n veg
bed protein shake

Should i clean it up some where to drop some cals ?
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