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So far haven't found a potato I don't like but especially like those that come in hot chip form sprinkled with salt.

Roast sweet potato is hard to beat as well. Or that purple skinned sweet potato.

lolz i miss my potatoes ... had 30g with lunch just to have SOME

can't wait to have more carbs ... I go nuts for roasted sweet potato but can't have more than about 75g or it triggers gut issues.
After all the positive feedback from my custom eggs/toast and milo, I figured I would put up a meal that took longer than 3mins to cook, roast chook/pumpkin/potato, steamed peas/carrot, some rice and garlic bread,
, not at fancy looking as some of your meals but very satisfying to eat

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400gm Sirloin
400 gm wedges (sour cream and sweet chili sauce)
200 gms green beans
10gm olive oil
Nothing left to take a pic of except this LOL

but had protein wraps with cottage cheese, macadamia butter and berries for brekkie
some amazing stir fried chilli prawns, with veg and salad for lunch
sammiches for dinner (lazy)
banana and salted caramel ice cream for dessert

oh and a protein bar in between
I've been away getting fat in Japan so here is a nice photo bombing

no 10 spice kara age katsu curry from coco ichiban

chilli egg ramen


katsu curry at maid restaurant in Akihabara

cheesecake crepe

pork ramen set

cookies and cream cream puff

farkin hot kaki pi

peanut cookie at sumo in Osaka

DIY omurice and yakisoba

choc banana crepe

omurice katsu curry (brilliant idea!)

tako yaki in Osaka

bibimbap in Korea town (osaka)

fagot curry bread haha

hambaaga with death sauce

sweet potato icecream

okinomiyaki in Hiroshima


cow tongue, liver and chicken hearts


big cookup we had in Hakuba

schichi mi kit kats and DBZ coke

choc cheesecake
random plates from Cortina restaurant buffet in Hakuba

random plates from Cortina restaurant buffet in Hakuba

random plates from Cortina restaurant buffet in Hakuba

random plates from Cortina restaurant buffet in Hakuba

random plates from Cortina restaurant buffet in Hakuba

tried out the zero cal/alc beer and jelly

choc rice pudding

fries with meat sauce and cheese

pork tan tan men

bean paste dessert thing

my version of Japanese katsu curry
The cortina buffet is ok, I prefer make your own pizza! Have you hit the onsen yet? I love cortina so much, japanese food is so good!

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Did the private onsen with fiance in Hakuba and spa world in Osaka. Man that place is different to here. No one GAF about nudity at all.

WHere's the make your own pizza place?
Upstairs from the buffet, where all the lockers are and main lobby. You can usually get a coupon for ski ticket, make your own pizza and onsen for 35k yen from memory. Ive been there 3 years in a row and didnt go this year but the pizza is so good, you make it into a leaning tower with whatever toppings you want

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thanks mate! Will be sure to go there next January. I didn't get a chance to board at Cortina again. Our unit is at the base of Happo One so it makes it a little tough to worry about driving or shuttle buses when it's right there in front of you.
Ride29er: did you buy mince and make em or pre made?

smashed cheesey pumpkin and roo burgers

chicken tenpeyaki

beef and pumpkin panang curry
When out for dinner with the missus.
Shared cheesy garlic bread for entree
Main sized calamari for my entree
Chicken parma and chips for main plus a bowl of chips
Ice cream for dessert when I got home.
nutella bacon, french toast

been trying these out (from woolies)

CnC banana protein icecream

other ice creams
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