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Yesterday evening`s after work meal.
Tuna,salmon and octopus sashimi on a bed of shredded daikon and perillia leaves.
Not much lean beef mince gets eaten around here, any reason for that?

I often make some of these beef rissoles for a change:
Beef Rissoles recipe - Best Recipes

I follow the recipe (except I use about 500 grams of mince), tastes great and healthier than the crap that we buy in the shops
Funny you should say that Gary as I bought 3kg of mince today. I bought topside steak and have the butcher mince it up, easier to eat at work this way.
post work out today
sandwich whole grain bread no marg,
whole chicken breast, BBQ'd with cheese, plus tomato, onion, and lime juice mayo, . and washed down with a Hahn super dry....cut,....whose cutting, lol

Tonight is spaghetti bol, garlic bread, parmasin chese and a nice cab sav..
I need to be cut, I have a point to prove. Somethings in life you just have to do at least once.
Wasnt a remark at you shrek, just a general happy vib, I for the next few months I will be trying to eat crap loads, and changing my training away from max lifts, I will instead be focused on 10 rep maxes and 20 rep squats and sldl. not concerned about how much I can max at what weight. bring on the yummmy..

I am sure during march I will be cutting back, and focusing on IRM again.
I know Mick. I was just saying that sometimes you need to prove a point. A couple of family members said at our NYE get together that they have never seen me ripped apart from when I first started training, so I decided to prove them wrong.
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I reckon at least 16 weeks. but I do not have a specific weight target in mind, just going by looks.
Chicken, beans, almonds
Chicken, beans, almonds
Chicken, beans, almonds
Chicken, beans, almonds
Chicken, beans, almonds
Chicken, beans, almonds
tuna, beans, almonds
steak, beans, almonds
Chicken, beans, almonds
Mince is always one thing I forget to buy in my search for lean alternatives. Will have to get some tonight and make a massive meatloaf.
Bush Tomato and Mountain pepper leaf flavour Kangaroo sausages, awesome !!!
With mixed vegies of carrots, broccoli and corn.
And a protein shake too.
7:30- 4 eggs, a spread of avacardo on 2 pieces of Whole grain toast, 600mls of skim milk.
4 boiled eggs mixed with a teaspoon of low fat mayo, a spread of avacardo on 2 pieces of Whole grain toast, 600mls of skim milk.

11:00 - 2 scoops of protein with 350mls of water with some fruit.

1:30 - 1 toasted tuna sandwich, 1 toasted cheese (low fat) sandwich, 600mls of skim milk.

3:30 - 2 scoops of protein with 350mls of water with some fruit.

4:00 - creatine (pre-work out drink).

6:00-6:30 - 2 scoops of protein 600mls skim milk, 600g mixed vegies, a handful of noodles or rice. (post-work out)

6:00-6:30 - Minced meat/vegie stir fry or streak or chicken and 600g vegies (non-work out day)

I might have some fruit in between these meals if l feel a sweet tooth.

9:00 - 2 scoops of protein 150mls skim milk 200mls water. (just before bed)

And l drink between 2-5 litres of water, depending on how busy l am, and l have a skinny latte twice a week.


my new diet starting next week when i start lifting;

6:30AM - 3 fried whole eggs. Shake with 1/3 cup rolled oats, 1 banana, 1 scoop wpi & 350ml milk

1040 cals / 48.2g fat / 73.6g carbs / 68.9g protein

9:30AM - Apple & 15 almonds

176 cals / 9.8g fat / 14.5g carbs / 3.9g protein

12PM - Salad with 125g tuna slices, lettuce leaves, tomato & cucumber

132 cals / 1.1g fat / 5.5g carbs / 23.4g protein

3PM - 200g chicken breast fillet & mixed vegetables

274 cals / 3.7g fat / 10g cars / 47.3g protein

5PM - Post-workout 1 scoop wpi & 250ml milk. Creatine with grape juice

394 cals / 10g fat / 41.8g carbs / 33.2g protein

6PM - Steak & mixed veges

320 cals / 13.2g fat / 2.6g carbs / 46.6g protein

9PM - 1 scoop wpi & 250ml milk

288 cals / 10g fat / 12.1g carbs / 32.8g protein

2624 cals / 96g fat / 162.8g carbs / 256.1g protein

Zzz that took a while to calculate all that
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USing WPI with milk is pointless. USE WPC as it seems you are not lactose intolerant.
I wouldn't be LOL'ing, you just gave away good quality protein.

Why has everyone been telling me to get ON then Actually I did notice that the WPC had more protein, WPI has 24g and the WPC had 30.7g or something hm. I always thought WPI was better cause it has like no fat or carbs..
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