I proposed in march this year, over 8 years after we first met!
She had been wanting to go to NZ for years, and as soon as we had the flights booked I knew that was the time to do it.
One bloody freezing cold rainy morning in Christchurch, we booked in for some punting on the Avon river for later in the afternoon. I didnt think the weather would clear, but it turned out to be a perfect afternoon. I had my mind set on doing it on the river (the proposal guys, minds out the gutter!!) but it wasnt very private with some teenage boy listening to our every word. We finished up and walked around the botanical gardens and I popped the q while sitting on a park bench, didnt have a ring so didnt see the point of getting my knee wet!
She pissed herself laughing the bitch, I didnt know what to do so I asked again and she said yes, was pretty funny, then we went shopping for a ring and eventually found one in Queenstown.
The hardest part was asking for permission from her dad, after I had already pooped the q! All worked out well though, I even made the comment during my engagement party speech that there would be another 8 year wait till the wedding, didnt go down too well with future father in law!