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Please critique my diet


New member
Hi All,

This is my first post. Some quick info: 24yo, 77kg. Been lifting for around 4 years but the first 2 or so years were very half hearted. When I started gym I was 56kg. I’ve put on around 7kg of that within the last few months on this diet. Very minimal fat gain.

I train a 5 day split. Also, one day a week ice hockey, which is my only cardio.

Goals: To gain strength and size, and maintain my naturally low body fat.

  • 6 Weet-bix
  • 1 glass orange juice
  • 2 Scoops Protein Direct Isolate protein
9 am:
  • Vegemite sandwich on multigrain bread
  • 300g grilled chicken breast (Usually with sauce or mustard)
1:30 pm
  • Pasta with either chicken or tuna, and a sauce (Not sure on weight, fills one of those rectangle plastic containers that Chinese takeaway food comes in)
3:30 pm
  • 2 scoops WPC (46g protein)
  • Large banana
6:20 pm Gym (Use pre-workout supplement with caffeine)

7:30 PWO Shake:
  • 2 Scoops Protein Direct Isolate protein
  • 2 Larger scoops (70g all up) Maltodextrin/dextrose
  • 300g Kangaroo steak
  • 200g sweet potato
  • Big pile of vegetables
  • Whole 250g tub of WeightWatchers cottage cheese
My concerns with my diet:
  • Too many meals
  • Maybe too much protein/not enough carbs?
    • if I eat less protein I just don’t notice the same gains
    • If I skip any of the carbs in this I start getting runny shits and halitosis, often I add all bran to my breakfast to counter it)
  • Not enough good fats
  • Last few meals too close together (And maybe too much protein for such a short time frame?)
Some things I’d like to try and incorporate into my diet:
  • Tuna
  • Eggs
Can't go into detail now but too many processed foods i can see.
Weet Bix, orange juice, pasta, bread etc.
Try oats for brekky, I make a shake with a banana, half cup of oats, 1 cup of milk, ice, a scoop of bulker and blend it for about a minute. You can easily add eggs or more milk, oats, protein etc.

If you want to introduce tuna, have it with a salad and make sure you use balsamic vinegar for a touch of dressing. They are made for each other, tastes so good
Thanks for the feedback so far

I never thought my diet consisted of highly processed foods, but now that it has been pointed out I appreciate any alternatives.
Oats, sweet potato, vegies (fresh), fruit (not juice), nuts, chicken, eggs, fish, tuna in springwater, etc - you get the idea.
i was very thin, my metabolism was very fast i couldnt put on wieght but i wanted to be huge, so i just tried slowing down my metabolism but eating fark loads of everything, if u wanna put on good size fast i cant think of many natural ways of stayin thin thats y blokes will diet for mass then diet to cut. and if u can handle roo meat, u should be able to get a better variety of foods like shrek said (sweet tato etc) i think if u wanna keep getting bigger while stayin thin just be prepared for a slow process i think, and up ur food intake when u up ur wieghts over time.