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Pervs in the Gym

Its quite simple really

Just don't go, spend the hundreds you normally would on a membership for your own equipment, simple really.
two effective ways for a woman to avoid male attention is to:
1. dress in clothes which can't be broken down by the male imagination
2. join a women-only gym

But in all fairness, males who take their workout very seriously don't let their eyes wander frequently or for more than a few seconds.
who has time to notice who's looking at who unless they are being totally so blatantly obvious...
They're usually being very obvious. That's why suddenly lots of guys in my gym are doing chin-ups. I was the only who did them, the Dumbellinas started hanging around looking in a really obvious way (not that I am much to look at, but there are only 3 or 4 truly buff guys in my gym, and them only from the waist up), so now several guys do them.

I don't like the word "perv". Few people are truly obnoxious about it, most are just admiring someone's looks. Admiration is good, sleaze is not. There's a difference. Not everyone recognises that. Some people may think I'm The Sleazy Guy at the gym - anyone male or female who looks at me, I smile at them - sometimes the women look away quickly, embarassed or afraid I don't know.

Anyway, since my gym has a Boy's Side and a Girl's Side, usually they're too far from each-other to do any checking out, welcome or not...

thats very true, i hardy ever perv. i think the only time i do check out a chick is when i've never seen her before.

haha funny story, i used to work out with a mate and he'd always perv on the chicks any way this totally georgous women was working out and yeh i had a bit of a perv but i moved on but my mate was perving every chance he got. i went to refill my water and the chick came up to refill at the same time. so we exchanged pleasantaries , then she asked why my mate keeps staring at her as his stare freaked her out ... lol i shrugged and said oh dont worry about him ... he does that to every chick...

it became a bit of a problem to i dont have a spotter anymore
I would be offended if people weren't checking me out! WTF am I wasting my time for?

People want to get into shape and weight train for one reason really (about 95% of us anyway) to look good! If I were just trying to get fit I would only need 3 days a week of cardio.
I like being checked out! My Partner likes it when others check me out! I like it when other check her out as well!

("Yep,she is HOT and she's with me! MWahh-ha-ha-ha!")

Hell, I'm so shallow I sign up on dating sites just to have people try to pick me up there as well. Of course I don't respond to any of them, its just fun!

My partner send my ripped photos to her friends and her sisters just to brag.
I find it flattering.

I was help out a couple of her friends move house about a month ago. When we had finished the chick said to her boyfriend in front of me "Why cant YOU have muscles like HIM!" (That was rather uncomfortable I must admit..... but he took it in good humour.)

An even bigger compliment is when another GUY checks me out. I look at other guys just to compare and get ideas. If I see a guy who's looking pretty buff I will take glances to admire and inspire.
Ha, this thread is funny... sounds like a cry for attention to me to the original author.

Who honestly hates other people looking at them in an admiring way? I dont mind even when other guys do, I take it as a compliment.

Usually people who dont get looks very often when they do they try to make a big deal about it as they are milking the attention for everything its worth as they are not sure when their next look will come.
i was just discussing this with my wife .she says" if someone is looking at you they arent always perving they could be just trying to see who you are".or seeing how much u r lifting or looking in your general direction,
really, between sets what is there to look at in a gym.
after all you workout to look better ,if you think people are looking at you then then its working.
Saw a guy today , basically in a trance watching the ladies in the gym, was really creepy, and I felt disturbed looking at him, I let one of the girls know as i know her, he was watching her doing leg press looking up her shorts....

He looked kinda like John Cleese, only shorter, skinnier, with a gut and prety much white hair, at least 60+, I dont even think he was blinking... just had that grotty vibe.
you wear sunnies at the gym?
I do.

It stops the newbies from hassling me with questions whose answers they'll ignore anyway

I don't use them to check out chicks, since I am too busy doing my own workout to bother, and anyway they're far on the other side of the gym on the treadmills.
i like looking at em to but looking up there shorts is going a bit far nothing looks better than a fit women but if u want to see chicks in underwear go to the beach.
Who honestly hates other people looking at them in an admiring way? I dont mind even when other guys do, I take it as a compliment.

not too sure about getting checked out by the guys bit, but its a nice feeling when you catch a chick having a glance.

i was doing dumbell rows once and when i look at the mirrors in front of me you can see who ever is using the pec fly machine, any way i caught this chick checking me out then she looked to her friend who then looked at me, then they looked at eachother and nodded....LMAO they thought they couldnt see me as my back was turned.

another great moment when i was at a pub about a year ago with a mate and we noticed a bunch of attractive ladies walk in, grab drinks and sit on the couches while we were across the room on those atanding tables. as i'm talking to my mate i'd have a glance over the shoulder to check them out every now and then, and i caught one of them taking a pic of me (mate went to the bar to get drinks) haha she looked really embarrased and said "oh you wernt ment to see that" so as you do when you get voyered you go over and say hi

yeh that is kind of odd, reminds me of this bloke around the same age as me...he looked like a weedy version of mr bean. he was at the stairs looking into the fitness room where chicks were doing body pump and he was like "awwwww yeaaaahhhh" i just shook my head and went down the stairs into the gym
I agree.
And most (if not all) of these chicks seem to want to be checked out anyway... i mean they're wearing make up at the gym.. come on now!

I have makeup on at the gym because I wear it to work. I go to work during the day, drive to the gym and train. This is the reason most women wear makeup at the gym. And we wear makeup because we have it ingrained that we need to wear it to look better. There is no way my mum would leave the house without lipstick and she really isn't doing it to have a bloke check her out, it makes her feel more comfortable. Plus, she trains at a women's gym and still does it.

Men just do not understand women.