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PA Nationals - Land of the Pharaohs

How can you even compare weight classes when for some records you have 24 hour weigh-ins and the ability to use diuretics, IV drips etc vs others where have 2 hour or less weigh-in with no ability to use diuretics etc.
you just compare them and don't get all stressed out about it
you might as well compare "alltime" goal scorers with a soccer, aussie rules, Rugby union, and a Rugby League player. They all kick a ball through goal posts on a field.
you could do that if you wanted. I'm more interested in powerlifting, but if you are into ball sports in general you should go for it.
Whats the big deal? I recklon heaps of people would be interested.
i would be id love to see all time raw records for my state
of course it makes you weaker, but the reality is record holders in the non-super classes all had to make weight to lift, so which of the following scenarios is likely to affect your strength more:

Comp at 11am Saturday

Lifter A weighs in at 90kg at 11am on Friday. He weighed 100kg on Wednesday, restricted food, then took a whole bunch of diuretics to strip water on Thursday. After weigh-in, he spends the next 24 hours stuffing his face, sleeping, and can rehydrate intravenously if necessary. It would not be unusual for Lifter A to weigh 105kg or more and relatively fresh by the time he lifts.

Lifter B weighs in at 90kg at 9am on Saturday. To lose 10kg without diuretics he has to restrict food over a longer period and sauna - about 2 hours for every 1kg? Then assuming he is first to weigh-in at 9am, has to rehydrate using gatorade only and stuff his face prior to beginning his warm-ups to squat at 11am. He can't use stimulants other than caffeine to overcome the fatigue from the sauna. Lifter B might typically weigh 95kg by the time he lifts.

Both lift in the 90s, but under completely different conditions - they are not comparable 90s lifters, they are effectively a weight class apart.
Are you saying all Australian record holders do this? Man, I had no idea. I just thought most just smashed weights in the gym then lifted at comps. Maybe some guys just weigh 90kgs and then turn up and smash these guys coz they are feeling weak from all this dieting.
All time record is just a record. I mean if you want to get picky how about the guys who set records back before they had all these ultra katanas etc.
Obviously all records were set by lifters who had lost varying amounts of weight to get into that weight class. Some may not have lost much weight at all. For example, I remember PTC saying how little weight Adam Coe cut (if at all?) when he set his 100s records.

But any lifter under the SHW class who takes their lifting seriously will aim to weigh as much as possible before and after weigh-in. The amount you can lose before drastically affecting your performance depends a lot of what strategies you can use to lose weight and put it back on, and how long you have to do it.

The point isn't to denigrate what lifters around Australia have accomplished - the lifters don't make the rules, they can only work with what they have. The point is that the rules on weigh-ins are so different that it makes comparisons between weight categories under those different conditions pointless and misleading.

Like macmad said, you may as well compare different sports.

strongest of all: PA lifter could only operate under Lifter B's conditions.
u can compare different sports, but I don't see the problem with looking at what the biggest lift is across all feds unless you are worried about comparison. Its just for interest an fun, no one is saying one group is worse.
but all time records are just for interest. You still have your own fed records.
People know the feds are different with different rules. Doesn't mean you can't compare.
Gee you need to lighten up. Its just lifting weights- I was just saying its interesting to compare. You seem very senstive about this issue.
You could always just compete against yourself and not worry about what others lift compared to you.
You could always just compete against yourself and not worry about what others lift compared to you.

i do already, but just interested in stuff like who has done the biggest bench without all the stuff about whether the weigh in was long or if he had a different shirt.
OK, for interest's sake, I have the all time Australian biggest bench. I have benched 400kg at 90kg bodyweight.

But I should mention it was cable weights

and the bar was on a smith machine

and I lifted the bar off pins

and the pins were set 1cm below lockout

and I used my legs to help lift the weight, so I might have come off the bench a bit

But even though the rules were different, I'm pretty sure it's still the biggest all time bench press in Australian history.

400!! wow that is amazing man do you train metal milisha?!!
was it in a powerlifting comp? I think you are just being argumentative. Whats the problem. If you want to get fussy- how about did it have a press call? Rules change in feds- so should they rub out all the records because things are different? Its not the olympics- its just people asking who lifting the most regardless of fed.